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Cherepanov took steroids as well...

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The article on the NHL website said he may have engaged in "blood doping" without elaboration. Steroids were not specifically mentioned. As their may be legal action due to negligence of the medical response to his collapse, the accusation of doping is very vague and questionable at this point. Even if it is true it's only of very tangential relevance to his death anyway; the pre-existing heart condition and reports of a poor medical response are what really matter.

the original article in Russian, which was based on the press release from Gov't investigation said doping... and specifically was said this is very bad news for Russian hockey... in Russian language the word "Doping" is used to describe steroids. For instance when Eastern Germany's athletes used Roids back in 70s and 80s in Russia this was described as Doping.. it just a play on words...

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From RedArmy:

Investigators also concluded that if Cherepanov received the right medical help at the stadium where he collapsed, he would have been ok... The stadium didn't have the right equipment or paramedics on standby , so it is considered criminal negligence or something along those lines...


basically from what I understand they needed a defibrillator because CPR wasn't helping...

This other part of this story is probably more important than the other. Let's not forget that quick work by rinkside medical attendants saved the life of a DRW. What's being done in Canada:




What's being done in other countries to help prevent this kind of thing from happening?

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Everyone is young and foolish, however, some make critically dumb choices, and most do not. This might possibly be him paying the price for taking a high risk just to gain a competitive edge. I may have sympathy for those who died without making any conscious choice (like the person killed by a drunk driver while merely driving on the road like everyone else), but not someone making a critically stupid choice -- again, working on the assumption that this killed him. It may just be blowing hot air if it wasn't the reason.

How's that view from your high horse? I bet you can see for miles.

I think this raises the question of how prominent steroids are in hockey.

I was under the impression that uppers were a bigger problem. I once played a beer league game after taking some cold medicine (I was fighting a cold). I have no idea what was in it, but holy s***, I had one of my best games ever, flying up and down the ice and I had energy to spare. It felt like my heart was beating faster than normal, so I didn't take it again.

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Guest Shoreline
How's that view from your high horse? I bet you can see for miles.

The horse of not doing stupid things such as this treats me well. Already enough fog in the area to obscure my view, so don't need bulls*** to further do so. :P

Edited by Shoreline

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The horse of not doing stupid things such as this treats me well. Already enough fog in the area to obscure my view, so don't need bulls*** to further do so. :P

You will do stupid things in your life. And when you do, I hope the people around you show more compassion than you do.

Edited by haroldsnepsts

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You will do stupid things in your life. And when you do, I hope the people around you show more compassion than you do.


I have to wonder if the kids in Russia get as much propaganda against steroids/drugs/doping as the kids in the US do. I really have no idea.

I just know that the kids I know nowdays, who would have been the users had we had that sort of thing out in the sticks back in my day, are not using because they know better. This isn't to say kids aren't using, just that some of the ones I know who aren't surprise me. They have actually listened.

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I was watching the WJC earlier on Rogers and they said that he had a heart problem that was not diagnosed. With this condition he shouldn't have been playing professional hockey at all.

I guess the blood doping just exacerbated the problem and made his early grave a little earlier.

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Guest Shoreline
You will do stupid things in your life. And when you do, I hope the people around you show more compassion than you do.

If those "things" involve high risk drugs (that notably affects one's heart) and I were to die, I doubt other people's compassion would matter much. Hence why the tough approach here is necessary. You don't get a chance to learn from a mistake like this when it has these results. Best for others to learn from the mistake he made. If someone sees this and understands the risks involved and still takes it, they deserve it too.

Edited by Shoreline

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I have to wonder if the kids in Russia get as much propaganda against steroids/drugs/doping as the kids in the US do. I really have no idea.

I just know that the kids I know nowdays, who would have been the users had we had that sort of thing out in the sticks back in my day, are not using because they know better. This isn't to say kids aren't using, just that some of the ones I know who aren't surprise me. They have actually listened.

no they don't, but I think the issue is that they are much more likely to risk everything to get to NHL. Middle class in Russia doesn't compare to middle class in United States, so its not like they have other glorious options by comparison... I think this is why they more likely to take a serious risk...

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With a special notation to this:

"A row of gross violations was committed by the medical brigade helping A. Cherepanov," the statement said. Among them, doctors arrived on the scene a full 12 minutes after Cherepanov collapsed, and the battery on the defibrillator used to try to shock Cherepanov's heart back to life was drained, the statement said".

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Nope, not depressed -- engaged and perfectly happy. Your diagnosis = fail, doc, and I sense some roid rage.

Sorry, I don't pay attention to the media. I don't even have cable to do so with. That's two horses*** comments by you. Take pride. I only pay attention to the numerous players who've done stupid s*** due to steroids. Acts committed by them prominently due to taking steroids, and the obvious and clear adverse affects, particularly related to the heart, in taking them. If a person dies shooting up Speedball I'm not going to feel sorry for them either, and in either case doubt nature, and especially their body, will care any more than me.

I estimate 100% of his numbers he pulled out of his ass.

Your ignorance on the subject is laughable, seriously it truly is.

As for the not being depressed part, thats fine, keep telling yourself what you want to hear, but just the fact that you have taken that harsh of a view upon another man for a Ernest mistake means that you are extremly bitter or insecure about something. Maybe you thruthfully don't realise it, but trust me I was in your same situation a couple years ago, and I took a cynic's view to everything, and it only brought me more despair. To ever wish harm on another human being, especially one who has accomplished more than you ever will is ridiculous, and is a clear cut sign that your secreatly envious of all those who do better than you, which is probably the majority of the population. Maybe you know the marriage isn't going to work out, maybe you knew you could do better, maybe vice versa, maybe your just doing it to prove to yourself that your grown up now, but the fact of the matter is, your insecurities about something are seeping through even your internet messages. People in real life who have gone through what I went through, and what you are currently going through now can see right through your little facade. But keep trying to prove to someone you'll never meet how your life is great, maybe you've done it so much you've convinced yourself

Feel free to deny it and call me crazy on this bored though. Unlike you I don't really need to strive to make people I will never meet think of me as a funny and all knowing poster. You never really have contributed one thoughtful post that I have seen, only sociopathic, bitter one's full of envy and jealousy. But go ahead and "wtf pwn me", my life is stable enough to where I can endure it, trust me.... you very well are depressed, whether you trurly realise it or not.

As for the actual topic of Steroids, yes of course they are dangerous, but it is not like you automatically die from them. Like I previously have stated I have taken a 6 week Cycle of Dianabol and Test Ethan. and all my blood work was fine, liver undamaged, and no hormonal damage(testicular shrinkage, ***** ****) occurred thats to proper post cycle therapy of anti estrogens and S.E.R.M.

I think this raises the question of how prominent steroids are in hockey.

Once again I'm going to get flamed for this but look no further than Chelios. I love the guy, and in no way is this meant to desanctify his legacy, as he didn't get htere on steroids, and most probably played his best days off of them, but for him to be able to compete at this level at this age is ridiculous. I don't even care, I still cheer for him hard, and he is still my favorite wings, even though I am convined hes on them. Contrary to popular belief steroids are not a magic pill, you still have to work and do research lest you get f***ed up. I certainly don't find them that unethical, moreso just a risk. When Bryan Beard almost lost his eye and went blind in one eye to Marian Hossa, he was allowed to have several surgeries to try to rehabilitate his eye, what is so different about using science to overcome other problems? True you can say that B.B. had eyesight before anything, so it wasn't really gaining anything, just trying to restore what he had, but the same can be said for older athletes restoring there youthful bodies.

I played Hockey at a fairly high level, in a league that sent a fair amount of players to minor pro leauges, including the OHL, and I knew of several 16 year olds taking it on my team, and it was a leauge wide thing. We were not delusional, we knew only the best of the best would make it to the NHL, and those who did have the talent didn't need the steroids to excel, at least at that level, yet kids still took them to be faster, stornger and maybe just make it up one level where they weren't supposed to be. After I quit Hockey, after failing at a tryout for a minor team, I did my first Cycle at 17. As mentioned previously several years later, Im here, only a bit bigger and leaner than I would have been naturally.

A cousin of mine played Linebacker at a major SEC School in the mid 90's, and told me the only reason teams have trainers is that they can just give them little pills, without really telling them what it is, so the players couldn't be blamed.

I am not saying that a steroid epidemic is hitting the NHL, as in the MLB and the NFL where upwards of 75% of the players are juicing, but to think it dosent exsist is delusional and stupid. Open your eyes people, the quality of the average poster on this site has certainly dropped

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I was watching the WJC earlier on Rogers and they said that he had a heart problem that was not diagnosed. With this condition he shouldn't have been playing professional hockey at all.

I guess the blood doping just exacerbated the problem and made his early grave a little earlier.

I believe it more has to do with the radiation over his town as a boy, moreso than steroids. I remember they did a quick scan after his death, and found like 7 similar defects in a 100 players born around the same area.

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Guest Shoreline
Your ignorance on the subject is laughable, seriously it truly is.
As for the actual topic of Steroids, yes of course they are dangerous, but it is not like you automatically die from them. Like I previously have stated I have taken a 6 week Cycle of Dianabol and Test Ethan. and all my blood work was fine, liver undamaged, and no hormonal damage(testicular shrinkage, ***** ****) occurred thats to proper post cycle therapy of anti estrogens and S.E.R.M.

^ This is all that needs to be read, folks.

I've been told the same s*** by people who drive drunk. Not liek, you die or anything. Of course not. One of them was a classmate who died -- driving while intoxicated.

But what do I know, people have died from it, and my ignorance is laughable merely because I point out it's their fault and I don't feel bad? I mean, clearly there's so many positive benefits such as "***** ****", "testicular shrinkage", oh, and the nice chance of a heart attack (especially if coupled with heart problems, much nicer), I dunno why everyone isn't doing it. It's not like you automatically die from them. We truly have a winner here. Congrats. You may pick up your Darwin award.

Edited by Shoreline

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I believe it more has to do with the radiation over his town as a boy, moreso than steroids. I remember they did a quick scan after his death, and found like 7 similar defects in a 100 players born around the same area.

He died because of myocarditis.

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^ This is all that needs to be read, folks.

I've been told the same s*** by people who drive drunk. Not liek, you die or anything. Of course not. One of them was a classmate who died -- driving while intoxicated.

But what do I know, people have died from it, and my ignorance is laughable merely because I point out it's their fault and I don't feel bad? I mean, clearly there's so many positive benefits such as "***** ****", "testicular shrinkage", oh, and the nice chance of a heart attack (especially if coupled with heart problems, much nicer), I dunno why everyone isn't doing it. It's not like you automatically die from them. We truly have a winner here. Congrats. You may pick up your Darwin award.

All hormonal effects can be avoided through proper adminstration of Anti Estrogen Agent's and Serm. The left ventricle of your heart does indeed often enlarge with steorid use, but it does so with all people who lift weights, when watched properly it is no reason for concern.

Comparing steroids, which are controllable, and only pose self-inflicting risks to something like drunk driving, which puts yourself and everyone else at risk, and causes u to think improperply is ludicrous and ridiculous.

Congrats, you may pick up the unfunny, arrogant, insecure poster award...

I gurantee you, your the type of guy who thinks everyone is laughing WITH HIM, rather than at him.

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According to the Russian paper Sport-Express, the drug cordiamine (banned central nervious system stimulant) was found to have been administered to Cherepanov 3 hours before his final game. The investigating commission still maintained that miocardytis was the cause of death. No mention of any steroids. The doctors of his team, Avangard, are suspended indefinitely.

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Guest Shoreline
All hormonal effects can be avoided through proper adminstration of Anti Estrogen Agent's and Serm. The left ventricle of your heart does indeed often enlarge with steorid use, but it does so with all people who lift weights, when watched properly it is no reason for concern.

Comparing steroids, which are controllable, and only pose self-inflicting risks to something like drunk driving, which puts yourself and everyone else at risk, and causes u to think improperply is ludicrous and ridiculous.

Congrats, you may pick up the unfunny, arrogant, insecure poster award...

I gurantee you, your the type of guy who thinks everyone is laughing WITH HIM, rather than at him.

Strange how someone who has a "deal with it" attitude comes off to you as insecure. I guess a symptom of 'roid rage is also passiveness. Eerie how you haven't shown why a healthy person needs to be taking steroids.

According to the Russian paper Sport-Express, the drug cordiamine (banned central nervious system stimulant) was found to have been administered to Cherepanov 3 hours before his final game. The investigating commission still maintained that miocardytis was the cause of death. No mention of any steroids. The doctors of his team, Avangard, are suspended indefinitely.

Assuming I found the alternative spelling correctly, looks like it points to this drug:


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