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I don't doubt that he is holding back, but he is still an effective forward in the right system. I'm not sure the Wings have the right system for him, but I'm positive he could get 50-55 points on a second-line role with a team where he didn't have to worry about backchecking. I mean, he was never the best backchecker even when he was getting 90 points but now he's just too slow.

Something significant also happened to his speed when he started getting those back spasms with Florida because it was at that point where he went from the top five power forwards in hockey to what you see before you in 2009.

I don't think he'd be human if he didn't let what happened with Moore enter his mind every second on the ice. But he's also had some significant physical ailments that are slowing him down.

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In terms of physicality I think he's a shell of his former self, but in terms of skill, I want to say that I saw flashes of the Old Bert in the last game, with him driving hard to the net and creating scoring chances. Realistically I can't see him playing like that every single night, but I am clinging on to hope that he can become a regular contributor.

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I'll tell you this, I had the honor of standing by the Wings bench in Colorado and there was no one more focused that Bert! I think the reason he had a good game on Saturday is becuase I got to tell him "Go Get'em Bert", he then looked at me and nodded!

But he is focused and I think he is under pressure to perform, so I think once he calms down his numbers will go up!

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I think he would be feeling better if at least a third of his post-shots had gone in... He's getting and making chances, and I'm sure he'll start burying them eventually. In the meantime, he's backchecking well, and it looked like he was getting something going with Cleary and Draper (though it looks like his linemates might change tonight). I'm confident a couple of goals will start coming before long.

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I'm fairly sure Bert has rung the goalpost more times than any other player on the roster so far.

He's just .5" off. It's just a matter of persistence before some of those start going in. Maybe tonight- that'd be nice.

And yes I agree his skating/backchecking leaves something to be desired. But I think all of us should've known that would be the case.

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Guest Lidstromboli
And yes I agree his skating/backchecking leaves something to be desired.


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Last year Bertuzzi was lazy, he lacked physicality, and he made blind drop passes that 95% of the time led to turnovers. Maybe Babcock can fix him but it has been tried several times before so I doubt it.

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Is it wrong that I thought after reading the one-word thread title that the only thing the OP posted was "Ernie"?

LOL, that's funny...even though it took me a second!

I think Bert looks good out there. He's making his presence known and driving the net. He looked great in Colorado, but couldn't capitalize on it. Just like everyone else on the team, he seems to be working at finding his spot and fitting in, defining his role. I'd like to see him get more physical on the ice, and that may be a combo of the Moore incident and his back problems. I'm looking forward to seeing him rack up some points, and I say he'll get a goal tonight against Vancouver.

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I'll tell you this, I had the honor of standing by the Wings bench in Colorado and there was no one more focused that Bert! I think the reason he had a good game on Saturday is becuase I got to tell him "Go Get'em Bert", he then looked at me and nodded!

But he is focused and I think he is under pressure to perform, so I think once he calms down his numbers will go up!


I really like what I've seen from Bert so far. Most notably his defensive play and willingness to drive the net hard. It's obvious he is just gripping a little too tight. Once he calms down he will start popping them in. This team is a perfect fit for him. He's not expected to get ugly. Just play physical and hard.

Edited by Broken 16

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I really like how Bert has been playing, so hopefully things will start clicking for him soon. Its not so much that he needs to be physical, it is more like in the game against avs he was able to go to the net and because he is soo big the defense couldn't push him off the puck while he is pretty good with his hands...

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I know that's not a whole lot of comparison between the two, but I've got this feeling that the beginning of this season for Bert is very similar to the beginning of the season for Hossa last year. Try and try and try, all the while feeling the mounting pressure for proof that their signings were decisions that would help the team. If I remember correctly, Hossa didn't score his first until late Oct/early Nov and it was a big GWG. Hopefully, Bert's luck will change and the post hits will go in, and it would be nice if it were a GWG too.

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Bertuzzi appears to me to be working much harder every shift than he has in the past few years...much harder than some players making much more $$$ on the Wings right now. He's had many close breaks goal-wise. Kind of like Lilja. Lilja got ragged on frequently in this forum, but every game I went to or watched it appeared he busted balls every shift. Both lack the talent of top players (I think this is a long-term injury problem for Bert...his base-line best playing ability is behind him) but you can't ask more than their best.

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I've been really impressed with Bertuzzi. He needs to pull a Pavel though and net a couple. The past few years while healthy Bertuzzi has been incredibly streaky, and he has been all around the net with sure fire goals turning into amazing saves...and in turn he seems to be forcing the opportunities...

A couple goals and he will roll and get 5 or 6 goals in a 8 or 9 game span...which would be nice...

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Guest mindfly

Bert is good, he played a few shifts with datsyuk and zetterberg when holmstrom got tired, i liked what i saw

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.5" the other way and all Bert threads would be talking about how great he is and how smart Holland was. i think he's been pretty damn good, especially when you consider his salary.

he actually reminds me of the way Franzen played before he broke out..........

Edited by scotvm

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I really like how Bert has been playing, so hopefully things will start clicking for him soon. Its not so much that he needs to be physical, it is more like in the game against avs he was able to go to the net and because he is soo big the defense couldn't push him off the puck while he is pretty good with his hands...

Well said!

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.5" the other way and all Bert threads would be talking about how great he is and how smart Holland was. i think he's been pretty damn good, especially when you consider his salary.

he actually reminds me of the way Franzen played before he broke out..........

I agree he is playing great ... I wasn't impressed with him than last time he was with the Wings, but this time he is playing great at both ends of the ice. Holmer is playing better this year too.

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I'm fairly sure Bert has rung the goalpost more times than any other player on the roster so far.

He's just .5" off. It's just a matter of persistence before some of those start going in. Maybe tonight- that'd be nice.


id love to see him net one tonight.

but to add to what you said:

he really has been close. hes not like mikael samuelsson who shots so absentmindedly and hopes for the best.

hes made him power move to the net and it has created quite a few chances for him, now its time for him to bury them.

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I know this may sound like I'm just following a trend by saying this, but I think Bert is transitioning into a Cleary type player. Bert has had it pretty rough the last few years and I think he looks at his opportunity with the Wings as a "I'll do whatever you ask of me" situation. I know he's gettin up there in age but Bert has a lot more natural offensive abilty than Cleary and if he keeps up this level of play, there's no way the Wings won't resign him.

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