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Leino Watch Thread!

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anyone notice that leino's skates go at 100 mph, but yet he goes nowhere? Really just noticed that today, I knew he was slow but it was like some crazy paradox.

Dear Mr. Leino,

Your skates need to look like " \ / " when skating, not " | | ". You get more traction.

Best regards,

Blaayze of LGW.

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Guest mindfly

He needs to add some explosive fibres in his quads and hamstring muscles obviously... if he had crosby's lowerbody he would probably be a pretty good player since he can stickhandle good but as he is now, floating all the time, slow, no physicality, no backcheck no forecheck.. nothing

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He looked slow last year. That was my concern. In the new NHL a huge part of the game is speed based. You don't have to be blindingly fast but you have to be fast enough. There are very few players that can be effective in the new NHL that don't have any speed. A couple that come to mind are Holmstrom and Hudler. I'm sure every team has a guy or two.

His skating seems to have regressed. Even when he manages to get some open ice, he gets closed off very quickly. He doesn't have the playmaking ability of Hudler that's for sure. I thought he'd be able to generate some offense on the PP with the extra space, but that just hasn't happened.Hopefully when we get some bodies back he can be effective on the 3rd or 4th line. However there's a real possibility that he'll be in the press box.

Some night's when you watch him play you think he might not score ever again. I think he'd be better served to stop trying to carry the puck and worry more about getting to open areas to shoot the puck.

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Guest CaliWingsNut
Leino is a talented player. But not only was he not going to be better than Hudler this season, he quite possibly will never reach the level Hudler was playing at last season. Leino is a year older, bigger, and stronger yet he is much weaker on the puck, doesn't work hard and go to the 'dirty' areas like Hudler does, and just doesn't seem to have the potential to ever be what Hudler is now.

I laughed in the summer when people said Leino would replace Hudler, only better. Leino might make a solid second-liner with some experience. Hudler is a bona-fide top-line talent right now.

In the KHL.

He would only be on our top line now because half the team is injured.

Quit stroking it, the cat's dead.

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In the KHL.

He would only be on our top line now because half the team is injured.

Quit stroking it, the cat's dead.

Hudler would play on the top line on many teams in the NHL. Top line talent is not defined by who would play on Detroit's top line; it's by who would be a top-line player on most teams in the league, or who would play on a top line if teams were all equal.

Hudler is a top-line talent in the NHL. To prove it, let's look at the top 90 forwards in the NHL in ESTOI/GP, and see how they compare to Hudler.

Some guys in that list Who Hudler is as good or better than: Gomez, Gionta, Langenbrunner, Legwand, Vermette, Antropov, Huselius, Sullivan, Justin Williams, Ray Whitney, Stajan, Grabovski, Hanzal, Joel Ward, Higgins, and Horcoff. I'm sure I could find more if I gave it a more detailed look.

Now, I realize some guys may play less at ES than the top 90 and be better. But that's already a large number of players getting top-line ice time who Hudler is simply a better player than.

He may not get that kind of time in Detroit, but he's that skilled of a player. You can ***** about his size, or say he's slow, or that he's not as strong defensively as he could be. But his overall game and effectiveness makes him a top-line forward.

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Hudler would play on the top line on many teams in the NHL. Top line talent is not defined by who would play on Detroit's top line; it's by who would be a top-line player on most teams in the league, or who would play on a top line if teams were all equal.

Hudler is a top-line talent in the NHL. To prove it, let's look at the top 90 forwards in the NHL in ESTOI/GP, and see how they compare to Hudler.

Some guys in that list Who Hudler is as good or better than: Gomez, Gionta, Langenbrunner, Legwand, Vermette, Antropov, Huselius, Sullivan, Justin Williams, Ray Whitney, Stajan, Grabovski, Hanzal, Joel Ward, Higgins, and Horcoff. I'm sure I could find more if I gave it a more detailed look.

Now, I realize some guys may play less at ES than the top 90 and be better. But that's already a large number of players getting top-line ice time who Hudler is simply a better player than.

He may not get that kind of time in Detroit, but he's that skilled of a player. You can ***** about his size, or say he's slow, or that he's not as strong defensively as he could be. But his overall game and effectiveness makes him a top-line forward.


Montreal should trade Gionta or Gomez to the KHL for Hudler.

You've taken this Hudler thing too far.

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Montreal should trade Gionta or Gomez to the KHL for Hudler.

You've taken this Hudler thing too far.

Gomez is s*** defensively and his offense is just plain gone. Hudler brought more offense in a third line role than Gomez does in a top-six role. Hudler is better defensively and works harder in the corners and in front of the net, too.

Gionta is probably more skilled, but has performed poorly for a while now. His defense is also much worse than Jiri's.

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Gomez is s*** defensively and his offense is just plain gone. Hudler brought more offense in a third line role than Gomez does in a top-six role. Hudler is better defensively and works harder in the corners and in front of the net, too.

Gionta is probably more skilled, but has performed poorly for a while now. His defense is also much worse than Jiri's.

You're on crack lad.

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You're on crack lad.

Have you ever watched Scott Gomez play hockey? Even in his best years he almost never went to the corners or in front of the net. Hudler did it all the time, even if much of the time he didn't come up with the puck or create a goal. Sure, a guy like Franzen is better at it. But would you rather a hard worker or a floater?

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In an interview Leino speaks about his season not going well. He says that you can see looking only at the stats that it hasn't gone as planned. I knew that he's most worried about his stats as his supposed to be an offensive player.

Finnish article

Quick translation:

Ville Leino: Can't be quite happy

Ville Leino sounds a little down while talking about his rookie season with the Detroit Red Wings of the NHL.

Not everything picked up where it left off after a good playoffs last season, although the season started off well on a line with Valtteri Filppula.

- The season has been difficult. Looking at the statistics, you see how it's gone. Can't be quite happy.

Leino hopes to have learned something despite the difficulties, which have been aplenty both for himself and the whole team.

When it comes to Vancouver, he says he's definitely interested to go, who isn't. It would be the first time he represented Finland, both junior and senior teams included.

- I think everyone's interested. It's certainly going to be a great event.

Talking about medal candidates, he first brings up Russia.

- They would seem to have the best team on paper and especially their offense is magical.

He reminds us that Sweden has an almost identical team to what they had in 2006 in Turin where they won, whereas the hosts Canada surely have the pressure on them. Regardless, they will probably still play well.

- Finland has a good team too. We have the best goaltenders and the style of play has become very well integrated.

Leino thinks so far it's easy to keep his thoughts together and in the NHL, because in the NHL you only need to focus on the next event anyway. He will not think about Vancouver until the time comes.

- I'm just taking one game at a time. That's what it is as a professional athlete, he chuckles.

I don't think there's any chance he makes the Olympic team. The lineup will be released on December 30th.

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Guest mindfly

Filppula might not even make the team... depends on how many veterans you finns wanna carry

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