Motor City Mullets

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Motor City Mullets last won the day on July 22

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About Motor City Mullets

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    aka FMichael

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  1. Motor City Mullets

    2024 Offseason Thread

    The last thing Yzerman wants to do is hand out blank checks to young guys like Dubas had done with the Tronna Pretty Boys. IMHO neither Seider/Raymond will make more than DBoss for the next 2 to 4 seasons aav and it's highly unlikely they'd get more even if they both signed a 7, or 8 yr deal before the start of this season. I'm thinking they'll each get a bridge deal worth anywhere from $5.5 to $7.5 aav and then when that expires they'll have the opportunity to demand equal to, or more than Larkin. Also - keeping in mind the current CBA is in it's final 2 yrs - after the 2025/2026 season there could be significant changes.
  2. Motor City Mullets

    whose #1?

    Lyon...Guy's making league minimum (or damn near it) and kept this team within range of the playoffs...Def the Red Wings unsung hero.
  3. Motor City Mullets

    2024 Offseason Thread

    At least Sprong can score goals/generate some offense where as Sleepy Joe…Don’t get me wrong - not a big fan of either guy…Joe will likely end up in a similar spot as his draft partner.
  4. Motor City Mullets

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Can I haz wut yur smokin? Veleno is a 4th liner…Nothing stands out with what he does on ice…Not overly skilled nor is he physical…TBH I’d rather have seen that $$$ spent on Sprong.
  5. Motor City Mullets

    2024 Offseason Thread

    IMHO he got a good deal considering he doesn’t bring anything to either the 3rd or 4th lines. If there’s anyone on this roster that needs to watch Draper/Maltby clips - it’s him.
  6. Motor City Mullets

    2024 Offseason Thread

    No worries - it'll get done...Neither is likely gonna collect shopping carts at Costco anytime soon.
  7. Motor City Mullets

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Nothing in that article is news - but if Trouba doesn’t want to be in Detroit then so be it.
  8. Motor City Mullets

    Return of the Zadina

  9. Motor City Mullets

    Patrick Kane IS a Detroit Red Wing

    Rabbi Scott Lucidi Of The PizzaJew Tribe Is Harassing Rabbi FMichael About Adding Too Much Pepperoni To A Hand Tossed Pizza.
  10. Motor City Mullets

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Should’ve used Artflow AI If Trouba and his agent are savvy enough they can manipulate the list so he’ll stay in NY.
  11. Motor City Mullets

    Patrick Kane IS a Detroit Red Wing

    Masters of the ancient art of meme creation do not make use of AI - passion, skill, and a sense of 'smartassery' is needed for such masterpieces...
  12. Motor City Mullets

    2024 Offseason Thread

    who ?
  13. Motor City Mullets

    2024 Offseason Thread

    If I was a betting man I'd say Sprong will likely find out that most teams out there won't give him what he wants and he'll re-sign with Detroit for 1 to 3 years.
  14. Motor City Mullets

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Agreed...I don't want another 'Nick Leddy' on our blueline.
  15. Motor City Mullets

    Patrick Kane IS a Detroit Red Wing