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Wings/Pistons schedule conflict

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I mentioned what the NHL needs to do. Since the NBA released its schedule first and plays the Eastern-Western-Eastern Conference schedule, playing a game every night.......why not set up the NHL to take advantage of the series least likely to draw a hockey crowd. You cannot tell me that it is more likely to have a Boston sports fan watch hockey over there Celtics than a San Antonio sports fan choosing hockey over their Spurs. NHL should have scheduled their games against the Lakers-Spurs series than the Pistons-Celtics.

Honestly, I think that nationwide current Lakers fan > Celtics fan in numbers right now.

No doubt about that but what about the Boston or New England casual fan. Forcing them to choose between their Celtics and the Stanley Cup Finals which doesnt have any of their teams, is suicide for the NHL.

If you're (generalized not at you tim) pinning NHL ratings on the Boston/New England market then, it's already a failure.

Ratings are going to be dismal for both leagues anyways so...

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Speaking of Major Networks, and the playoffs in general, since the semi-finals you have had almost ALL big market teams going at it in the playoffs, Wings, Pens, Avs, Flyers, NYR, Stars, etc... because of the lack of Anaheims, Calgary, Carolina, et al, does anyone know, or have they heard, are ratings up this year? I would think they would have to be...at least a little bit...

ratings link (24 Apr)

Vs. averaged a .4 this year for the first round. Which is up from the year before. High point of the round was Caps/Flyers game 7 with a .7 share. The Hockey Central show is up to a .3 from a .1 a year ago.

NBC averaged a 1.0 share this year.

There are other sites with newer numbers but I'm not a member of those sites.

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Look at it like this, how many hockey fans do you know who are also basketball fans, and visa versa? I would assume not many, as that's what it's like for me. In fact, most of the guys I know who like basketball couldn't care less about hockey. The same goes for most of the hockey fans I know.

Saturday night is a bigger ticket no matter how you look at it, the NHL will reach more casual fans on a Saturday than a Friday. I wouldn't say it's a mistake by the NHL, they may even get some people tuning in that aren't pleased with the basketball game.

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As a person who lives 45 minutes out of Boston and is a C's fan and a Wings fan, I think the NHL nailed it.

The SCF is going on while the NBA is only in the CF rounds.

I have so far this post season watch the Wings multiple times over the C's flipping back and forth when their are commercials on the Wings game.

Basketball only really needs to be watched 4th quarter. Other than that the game is either a blowout or a battle like last night. But Either way the 4th quarter is where the game is usually decided

Don't get me wrong if the Wings weren't or aren't on I am all over the C's game. But even then I pop over to watch the Red Sox.

But hockey I feel like if I miss a shift of the game I actually will miss something. Basketball I may miss a dunk or a good defensive play or two if I miss a quarter. Hockey I feel like if I miss a shift I will miss perhaps the only goal of the game, or some great saves, or big hits. Either way if the two are on (and remember the Wings have been successful while the C's have sucked recently, this year excluded) I am watching the Wings. Why, Hockey is more exciting!!! And there is no way I am missing my Wings in the Stanley Cup Finals to watch the C's Pistons ECF!!! Not a chance!!!

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Who's choice was it to match up the cup finals vs the pistons, NHL or NBC? Alot people will end up watching the pistons in this area, not the majority but there will be alot. Theres also going to be 20,000 people in the palace on sat and mon night not watching the finals.

I really hope it was NBC forcing the NHL into this schedule, The NHL has done enough to shoot themselves in the foot the last few years, this would be idiotic. Fri, Sun, Tues schedule makes so much more sense.

Fire Bettman.

Edited by Ladsud2002

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Now I don't know if the NHL had the schedule set a year in advance like they said but I posted the 4 possible schedules in here when the Celtics and Cavs were tied 2-2. So the NHL had their days reserved before the NBA knew how long the Celtics series was going. The only way there would have not been a hockey game this saturday was if both the Pens and Wings would have had to go to 7 games. There was going to be a game on Monday and Wednesday of next week no matter what.

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We have a basketball team in the NBA... go figure!

Basketball blows so its no loss to me

I feel the same, seeing as how its just the Conference Finals I don't think that it will be too much in the way. It's only for 3 games anyway...

Edited by Wings_Dynasty

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I think it's garbage. Monday there's not much they can do about, but Saturday's conflict is totally avoidable. Even though NBC isn't broadcasting the game (VS is) they still could have scheduled the game earlier in the day. 1:00, 3:00, even 5:00. I know they're not worried just about Detroit, but as it stands now, you have the Tigers (7:00), Wings (8:00) and Pistons (8:30) all playing AT HOME. People going to one game will not be able to attend, or even watch, any of the other games, as they would be able to do if the times were staggered.

And for those who are heading to the local watering hole to watch the Wings... you might want to call ahead and see which game the bar will have the sound on for. Last year I had a hell of a time getting the Wings/Sharks Saturday playoff game on so we could hear it, I think we went to 4 bars before we found one that wasn't airing the Pistons game... and this one would only turn the sound on AFTER the NFL draft coverage was over. Sucked.

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Bettman is a JackA**, this series should start Fri night followed by a Sunday afternoon game, plain & simple. I realize detroit had a hard time selling out that barn during the WCF, having these games played at the same time is not going to help matters. There is only so much one sports fan can consume.

Edited by TheWellHungarian

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Detroit's not being screwed. I don't know a single person who's torn over what to watch. They're either a basketball fan or a hockey fan - no conflict whatsoever.

Detroit is being screwed, whether you want to believe it or not theres alot more basketball fans then there is hockey, thats just the way it is. Nationwide its stupid as well, they could play a Friday schedule and start the games at 8 and have an hour head start on the NBA west finals.

Ratings suck for the NHL, and the Pistons vs. Celtics series will absolutely destroy the cup finals in any city but Detroit and Pitt, and there losing potentially 50,000 viewers in this area on saturday night alone. Palace is sold out and I bet the tigers will at least draw 30k on a saturday night.

All in all it sucks.

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A basketball fan who couldn't possibly care less about hockey isn't going to watch the NHL regardless of what night it's on or at what time. Those that might tune in if the date and/or time were different are few and far between - not a big loss.

And I'm well aware that hockey is a niche sport. Changing the television time isn't really going to change that. People have to be drawn in - not many are going to trip over the game and leave the station on.

That being said, it sure wouldn't kill them to give hockey every chance to attract some fans, would it?

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Did anyone hear Bettman on Stoney and Wojo yesterday? He claimed that the schedule was set in stone a year an advance and completely unchangable, which I think we all know is a load of BS

Personally I hate the NBA, but it is still incredibly frustrating that the league is willing to screw the many people who are Pistons fans. Espeacially when you consider that the NHL is on VS., and the NBA games are on ABC, they're going to have quite a tough time getting viewers.

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What is funny is that the NBA already had the Eastern Conference Finals scheduled before the NHL schedule came out? Even a simple economist would say to maximize the gain, put the games at different times; that way both the NBA and NHL benefit. Putting them at the same time AND from the same city is frickin ridiculous. Another resume point for Bettman...

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Why would Bettman care if the NBA is stealing fans away from watching games, he is an NBA guy to start with, he was a Lawyer for the league (or adviser can't remember) and David Stern endorsed him for the NHL position.

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Detroit's not being screwed. I don't know a single person who's torn over what to watch. They're either a basketball fan or a hockey fan - no conflict whatsoever.

I agree 100% Its like having to choose between Curling and that Cagefighting... not many people are a fan of both.. and if they happen to be, they hop between the two... anyways doesn't the Pistons games get reaired late at night?

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comparing the Stanley Cup Finals & the NBA ECF to Curling & Cagefighting. Sure I see the parallel.

I agree 100% Its like having to choose between Curling and that Cagefighting... not many people are a fan of both.. and if they happen to be, they hop between the two... anyways doesn't the Pistons games get reaired late at night?
Edited by TheWellHungarian

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I'm actually very upset about the scheduling. I'll be watching the Red Wings of course, but I am not happy a single bit about missing the Pistons game.

There may not be many people on here that upset about it, but I'm guessing there are plenty of fans from both teams that aren't too pleased they have to choose between two huge games.

Edited by GoWings1905

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