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Jarkko Ruutu bites Andrew Peters

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I hate both these players, so they deserve each other.

Ruutu is basically Finland's version of Ulf Samuelsson. Someone needs to sucker punch him and end his career.

As for Peters, maybe a slight case of rabies will improve his energy as a fighter, since he's been a disappointment in the last few years.

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I hate to be a broken record, but it just shows the amount of disrespect there is for each other and for the game in today's NHL, they need to remove the instigator and allow players to police themselves... there's no fear of retribution anymore and therefore, no respect

I tend to agree with this.

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i'll tell you how...i had a guy bite the tip of my finger right off in a similar situation. I hit him, clean hit...he comes from behind and punches me in the back of the head, so i turn around...plaster him one right in the kisser and he bites down on my finger. I had to have 2 corrective surgeries, and the nerve was damaged so much that i still can't feel my finger 6 years later. s*** aint funny, who the hell knows what diseases that little prick has?

Your reaction makes sense then. That sucks.

seein red are you like 11, with those comments.grow up. there is no place for crAP like that here in the nhl.

There's no clear evidence that he actually bit him even. I'm gonna defend Jarkko until someone can convince me beyond a shadow of a doubt that he bit down on Peters' finger.

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Always thought the guy was a turd, now he's just a bigger one.

Also, didn't Tootoo allegedly bite Tyler Wright awhile back? If so Ruutu and Tootoo need to start some fruity club together.

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ESPN sportcenter had a pretty good view this morning where you could see the hand in mouth but you can't actually see any biting movement. Which could be the hang up here, suspension wise.

If Peters is face washing Ruutu, and is trying to say he was bitten I don't see the jaw/biting movement.

If his hand was on Ruutu's shoulder and then you saw Ruutu's head go down and chomp the league has no out, in this case they have an out. Not that they would use it on Ruutu, but it could be hard to prove where the bite was, time wise.

After Egroen's video you see the clenched jaw!!

Edited by Opie

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My first reaction is that this is disgusting and a really no class move. However, it's understandable TO A POINT if Peters was sticking his hand in his face. Regardless, it should have never even came close to what happened. It's despicable to think that he put his teeth and clenched on his hand, regardless of what was happening.

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ESPN sportcenter had a pretty good view this morning where you could see the hand in mouth but you can't actually see any biting movement. Which could be the hang up here, suspension wise.

If Peters is face washing Ruutu, and is trying to say he was bitten I don't see the jaw/biting movement.

If his hand was on Ruutu's shoulder and then you saw Ruutu's head go down and chomp the league has no out, in this case they have an out. Not that they would use it on Ruutu, but it could be hard to prove where the bite was, time wise.

After Egroen's video you see the clenched jaw!!

You do?

All I see is the back of Peters' helmet until after the alleged bite takes place.

I, for one, believe Ruutu did bite down simply because of the immediate reaction Peters has as well as everything that followed.

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Ruutu Suspended for 2 Games

Blog: KK Hockey By Alanah McGinley

01/07/09 at 03:29 PM ET | Comments (0)

From the NHL:

Ottawa Senators forward Jarkko Ruutu has been suspended for two games, without pay, for an incident in NHL game #586 against the Buffalo Sabres, the National Hockey League announced today.

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I hate ruutu beyond words. The only reason Pronger gets a worse time is because Pronger is actually good. This ass clown is a joke and shouldnt even be in the league. I have to stop on this subject for I fear my language will only decline on this topic.

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This was a topic on the Rome is burning today on ESPN!! Jim Rome stated that this incident is going to hurt the league, and then went on to ask the two flunkies if the NHL should ban fighting, and if they did what that hurt the league as far as fan support. Both the flunkies said banning fighting would NOT hurt the league, which I cannot disagree more.

But back to the topic, this incident lastnight in Buffalo was the most embrassing thing I have seen in a Hockey game since I attended a Detroit Vipers game and watched a fan behind the visitors bench pour a beer on the visiting teams coach! Both of these clowns should be suspended!! For a very very very very very longtime!!!

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I would imagine that there was some sort of bite mark or Peters wouldn't have been showing the ref and getting treatment on the bench. Also, in egroen's video it looks like the glove snaps back when Peters is trying to pull away, like it was finally let go by Ruutu's teeth. I think he bit him. :burger:


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This was a topic on the Rome is burning today on ESPN!! Jim Rome stated that this incident is going to hurt the league, and then went on to ask the two flunkies if the NHL should ban fighting, and if they did what that hurt the league as far as fan support. Both the flunkies said banning fighting would NOT hurt the league, which I cannot disagree more.

If the NHL banned fighting, that would take away the one last impetus casual sports fans have to watch the game. I remember during the late 90s, whenever ESPN would air Wings/Avs games, they would have a HUGE spike in ratings compared to other hockey games their aired, because more people were tuning in to see whether or not a full-scale brawl would break out. Those are people that otherwise, would not watch an NHL game.

Banning fighting would just be driving the nail in the sport's coffin.

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Guest Shoreline
This was a topic on the Rome is burning today on ESPN!! Jim Rome stated that this incident is going to hurt the league, and then went on to ask the two flunkies if the NHL should ban fighting, and if they did what that hurt the league as far as fan support. Both the flunkies said banning fighting would NOT hurt the league, which I cannot disagree more.

But back to the topic, this incident lastnight in Buffalo was the most embrassing thing I have seen in a Hockey game since I attended a Detroit Vipers game and watched a fan behind the visitors bench pour a beer on the visiting teams coach! Both of these clowns should be suspended!! For a very very very very very longtime!!!

The incident isn't really going to affect the league one way or another (they say this about every incident that other retarded media outlets that never even talk about hockey suddenly discuss) -- and since when does Jim Rome know s*** about hockey?

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For a quick comparison, Marc Savard was suspended for 1 game for biting a few years ago.

I think it was stupid, but not that big of a deal. I can't imagine it really even hurt that much, considering Peters was wearing a glove. Much more dangerous incidents happen every game.

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