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Toskala or Giguere to Motown

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Odd. While it is Eklund..it still is a spark for conversation.

However, in my opinion. Our goaltending is not that much of an issue. While yes, Ozzie hasn't been great. Conklin has looked stellar at points with only the occasional meltdown.

Does anyone honestly think that Holland would make a deal at the deadline for a goalie?!

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Nope. Don't buy it for a second.

Giguere: .904 SV%, 3.02 GAA, making $6M/yr through 2010-11 season

Toskala: .884 SV%, 3.31 GAA, making $4M/yr through 2009-10 season

Compare to Osgood.

Osgood: .880 SV%, 3.29 GAA, making $1.4M/yr through 2010-11 season.

Toskala's SV% and GAA nearly identical to Osgood's...for $2.6M more a season. Giguere's SV% and GAA are better, but his SV% is a couple bad games away from going south of .900 and his GAA is still above 3. Not worth taking on $6M/yr until 2011.

And before anyone says, "Well, Giguere's having an off year!", considering that Osgood might be as well. I'd rather Kenny pay $1.4M as opposed to $6M for an off year.

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As much as i want to call BS.. Why isn't it feasible? We know? our goal tending is shot.. After actually looking at it, Theres no chance for either, without making our team look horrible.

I dont see us trading with Anaheim, but who knows.. They are starving for a potential top line center. *Weight,Morrison* by trading Giggy, and getting lets say Filppula. Then the problem lies with finding a way to move 3m in cap. which could be done.. Malts, Draper, Sammy.. Then you have a problem with being minus 4 forwards.. So you can basically cancel out this trade, because it just has ZERO chance of happening

Toskala.. He's doing better then Ozzie/Conks on a horrible team Toronto team.. So throw Filppula and Sammy *Cap reasons only* for Toskala and Prospect.. But is giving away Sammy, who is producing points, and Filppula who still might emerge as a solid scoring line center.. for a 31 Year old Goalie who isn't exactly the most proven goaltender. Theres a chance, But i cant see ourselves stomping our 3rd line, Cap, Keeping our 4th line

And is Toskala really that much of an upgrae over Conks/Ozzie? no.

So suck a fat one Ecklund.. you suck pal

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Does Eklund not actually watch any hockey? Toskala has been god awful for Toronto all year, almost blew it for them on Gilmour night last night. Giguere?!?! He's 12-12! Being outplayed by Hiller consistently game in and game out, he's brutal, always has been and now it's showing. The money both would take up make it even worse, Kenny isnt even thinking about a deal for either.

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No way this is going to happen.

It's a nice dream though, having someone in goal who can play as well as Giguere when he's on his game. But for better or worse Giguere's their franchise goalie and they're not letting him go anywhere.

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I swear every team in the league has a guy whose job it is to talk to Eklund and plant nutty rumors. Eklund takes himself way too seriously to be purposely faking it. He's probably talking to someone "inside the organization" whose sole purpose in life is to feed Eklund wacky trade rumors that they have no intention of carrying out.

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No way this is going to happen.

It's a nice dream though, having someone in goal who can play as well as Giguere when he's on his game. But for better or worse Giguere's their franchise goalie and they're not letting him go anywhere.

We have someone who, when on his game, plays as well as Giguere does when he's on his game. The difference is that Giguere has been on his game more this year.

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Don't shoot the messenger. I don't really beleive it, but every rumor has a grain of truth.

Whether its true or not the Wings going nowhere fast in the playoffs if they have to put their fate in Osgood again. Conklin's alright if you had someone solid to platoon him with; look at the Bruins one two with Thomas and Fernandez. But let's face its time the Red Wings stop trying to do it on the cheap when it comes to goaltending. Time to trade shake up things. Halak the back-up in Mtl is starter material given the chance- look at his record next to Crey Price, not too shabby at all. Plus Lang injured the Canadiens having all sorts of problems i.e Kovalev- there's definitely a trade that could be made to benifit both teams.

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wait wait wait... everyone is bitching about OZZIE and then now its Toskola they want.. Newsflash he is only .001 percent better than Ozzies sv% AND he even has a shut out added to "pad" that stat... ummmmmm LMAO

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Says the messenger who has been a consistent Ozzie-basher.

I may have had negative comments about Ozzie at one point but I still think that he is a premier goaltender. He has been soft this year but the year ain't over. Do I think they should trade or replace Ozzie? not unless they get Luongo and that isn't going to happen.

I remember you now, Just because I thought you lost the war in a arguement against Neverforgetmac you hold a grudge LOL!!!!!!!!!.

Pretty Sad!

Edited by bellarina

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I disagree with any one who says goaltending is a non issue in the "D". It is a massive issue. The leauge is remolding the rules to create scoring, and those that are weak in the pipes will be left for dead in the very near future. Either one of our goalies...I love Conks and Ozzy but they are both glorified back-ups. No disrespect for what Ozzy has done for us in the past but I belive it to be true, but as far as Toskala goes, keep him or we may as well get Raycroft here as well! But Giggy in this town would be a great change for him and us. The wings can hang in there with san jose and boston but only because of our strong defensive play, every shot or chance the other team gets I quiver every time! and thats no lie. That never happened when the Dom was back there. Bring on Giggy, or try to unlock mason!

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Anybody but Osgood. PLEASE.

A Giguere/Conklin tandem sounds decent.

Ozzie's faustian bargain with the devil that he signed last playoff season seems to have worn off. I'll always be grateful to the guy for helping this team win championships, but his time and come and gone.

However, even with a potential new goalie, the Wings will still have to improve upon their ridiculously bad PK and overall defense. I haven't seen them play this bad down one man in eons, methinks. I don't know if it's because the defense is getting older and/or slower or what, but Babcock has to do SOMETHING about it.

He really does need to give them an R. Lee Ermey style speech in the lockerroom that puts people on notice that their lackluster play in the defensive zone cannot and will not be tolerated, be it by the fans or by ownership.

If they continue to play the way they've been playing (blowing leads; losing to awful teams in embarassing fashions) they'll be lucky to make it out of the 1st round come April.

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If jiggy becomes a wing... there will be mass chaos and destruction on these boards. Since eklund is reporting it it is almost certain not to happen.

It won't happen, but it's really getting to the point where i'd take the 2009 versions of Norm Maracle or Tim Cheveldae over Osgood.

Chris really has shown his age this season, and it's goddamn embarassing. My 87 year old grandmother could make the kind of saves Ozzie's been failing to make the past few months, and she's got osteoperosis!!

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