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town123 last won the day on July 23

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About town123

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    2nd Line Scorer

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  1. town123

    2024 Offseason Thread

    So.... Is Husso the only logical buyout candidate?
  2. town123

    2024 Offseason Thread

    As far as I can tell.... we get a buyout no matter how the player signs (agreement or forced), and starts 3 days after JV signs and ends 5 days later for a single buyout of a contract valued at 4M or higher. So we could hear something between tues and thurs I'm figuring.
  3. town123

    2024 Offseason Thread

    AAV seems a little high to me. Maybe SY anticipates more growth?
  4. town123

    Red Wings Prospects

    How the hell does Wheeler have Cole Eiserman #16? Actually the whole list is pretty mucked up. David Jiricek #12?
  5. town123

    Red Wings Prospects
  6. town123

    Red Wings Prospects His list includes guys with regular playing time in the NHL, so there's that. McGroarty #33 hmmmmm
  7. town123

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Please no. Zegras would get killed in the playoffs. I would much rather have Kasper in that lineup spot and have Danielson being the Zegras of our future.
  8. town123

    Offersheeting Broberg

    I get it man, but still, you poke the nest and down the road you get poked back when Danielson and others get offersheeted just under the amount to give up any real compensation yet enough to force us to make a decision we don't want to make. As a team that's on the way up with an above average prospect pool, this strategy could really hurt us in the end IMO.
  9. town123

    Rumors Thread

    Great question. I haven't seen near enough of this kid to comment. So here's my comment. (insert laugh track here) If I'm the Jets would I settle for Mazur and Wallinder in return? If I'm Detroit would I pay that, when Mazur is exactly what we want in McGroarty?
  10. town123

    Interesting read on No Tax States

    This 2018 article didn't answer all my questions, expecially in regards (don't go there) to federal and state income tax rates.
  11. town123

    Offersheeting Broberg

    I don't know. If GM's are all basically former players then here's my view. Players are highly competetive, that plus talent equals an NHL player. Highly competitive people who become GM's don't drop the gloves without respecting future negative outcomes. You want your GM to take a measured approach when dealing with his peers as the last thing your want is a target on your back. If the Oil are going to be in trouble signing Broberg next year then just offer up a 1st and a 3rd and see if they accept. If they don't, then drop the gloves with an offer Fence sitting or what?
  12. town123

    Offersheeting Broberg

  13. town123

    Offersheeting Broberg

    Wouldn't offering 4.5 AAV only cost us a 2nd? Could the Oil match that? Probably not
  14. town123

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I'd like to see Kasper in the middle of those guys as they played pretty well together in GRapids. Maybe to start the 25/26 season.
  15. town123

    Return of the Zadina

    Or Z could turn into an 80 pt guy playing with Celebrini. Oh wait. Even SJ wasn't fooled.