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Former Wings that jumped ship

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Just wanted to have a light-hearted discussion regarding the departure of Matthew Schneider and Todd Bertuzzi to Anaheim after last year. Do you think they are re-thinking their decisions now that they are on the golf course? I hated to see Schneider go but Bertuzzi was a waste in my opinion. I'm interested in hearing your comments. Feel free to mention other former Wings also.

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I know it's old. But, if you hate something bad enough does it stop after a certain amount of time? I hate the New York Yankees more than anything in the world of sports. I dont think time will change that.

Maybe he's different. Or just wanted another cup who knows.

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Difference is Cheli was traded - he didn't choose to come to Detroit. Schneider and Bert both signed elsewhere.

Cheli may have been steamed at first but I think that coming to Detroit has been good for him. He is a fan favorite, he has a successful restaurant and the Wings have had a good track record since he has been here. Granted, you can't take away the memories of Chicago but overall, I think he is happy.

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Schneider was making too much money. We might have beaten Anacrime last year had he been healthy for the series.

Very true, however, I still liked him. I guess, all things considered, our blue line is pretty good now. Lids, Raf, Kronner, Stewie (pretty good addition) are very solid. Cheli and the rest are doing a good job also. :D

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Wings are in a better position now than they were a year ago without those two guys. I thought Bert would have stayed for less money but he wasn't worth $4mil guaranteed per year for two years with his injury problems. And Schneider at his age wasn't worth it, especially since they paid Rafalski pretty much the same. I like Rafalski over the long term better anyways.

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Just wanted to have a light-hearted discussion regarding the departure of Matthew Schneider and Todd Bertuzzi to Anaheim after last year. Do you think they are re-thinking their decisions now that they are on the golf course? I hated to see Schneider go but Bertuzzi was a waste in my opinion. I'm interested in hearing your comments. Feel free to mention other former Wings also.

Really, Why care? Why should we care? In a non salary cap era, you could argue depth, but who cares? Everyone (most) that plays for this organization knows how good they have it here and love the time spent with Detroit. I'm sure that Schneider is pissed, but screw him. When he signed with another team, he evidently didn't think that Detroit could ever win, or he wanted to be back in California for the long haul. Either way, we have a 2-0 lead in the conference finals. Who cares about former players that have left for greener pastures.

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Who cares. Anyone who would rather see a bigger paycheck than success can take a walk. Way to be sportsmanlike.

Remember these guys are professionals first. If they opt to take a bigger contract with a different team that is their career decision to do so. Much like how many of us started in a minimum wage job and worked our way up or moved onto another organization to make our livings.

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Shanahan is out on his private golf course at his house in the Hamptons. ;)

I had heard a rumor some time back that Shanahan made the move to NYR because he was looking to set up a job with the NHL after he retires. Has anyone else ever heard that?

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Guest micah

I'd be thrilled if I got a job where I worked two months less and made more money. I'm sure both of them wish they could hoist the cup, but I doubt they're letting it affect their golf game if you know what I mean. I'd guess that most people in this thread spend more time thinking about the Detroit Red Wings than either Bert or Schneids.

Edited by micah

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I was pretty sad the day Schneider left. Bertuzzi, I could care less about. He was a waste, and a learning experience for Holland. Would I want Scneider back? No. I would take Rafalski over Scheider any day now. I love our defensive core now. Lids, Rafalski, Stuart, and Kronwall. I have always been a Cheli fan, and imo he's always welcome. Is he happy? If he wasn't he wouldn't be playing. Here is a player that is breaking longevity records, playing for a great, extremely sucessfull organization, with a bunch of fans that love him. How could he not be happy? Lilja, well. Thats a whole different thread.

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What's even more ironic is how much we hated him. I remember hating playing the dirty S.O.B. but now that he's playing dirty for us, we love him.

Oh I hated Chelios too... I had a hard time adjusting when I heard he was a Red Wing. Now I say let him play as long as he can, so long as its for us... I love Chelios the Red Wing!

As for Schneider and Bertuzzi... they have their money to comfort them while we run for the Cup! I like what we have with Raffy. I really wanted Bertuzzi to stay and get healthy here but oh well

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It is funny that Fedorov, Schneider and Bertuzzi all ran to the Ducks following the years they beat us. Following Fedorov's defection the Ducks did not even make the playoffs and Fedorov ended up being traded to an even worse team right before Anaheim got good again. Schneider and Bertuzzi are then both out in the first round after "buying high" into the Ducks.


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It is funny that Fedorov, Schneider and Bertuzzi all ran to the Ducks following the years they beat us. Following Fedorov's defection the Ducks did not even make the playoffs and Fedorov ended up being traded to an even worse team right before Anaheim got good again. Schneider and Bertuzzi are then both out in the first round after "buying high" into the Ducks.


I guess you can say that "The grass isn't always greener on the otherside!" :hehe:

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