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Sports Teams with the Most Annoying Fans

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Guest GordieSid&Ted

Seriously, someone please post that article on the Vancouver message boards. I hate Vancouver fanboys. They are indeed some of the most obnoxious fans around. I would just love it if somebody could bring this article to their attention. Just to be able to piss in their corn flakes on a Friday would set the stage for a great weekend.

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Seriously, someone please post that article on the Vancouver message boards. I hate Vancouver fanboys. They are indeed some of the most obnoxious fans around. I would just love it if somebody could bring this article to their attention. Just to be able to piss in their corn flakes on a Friday would set the stage for a great weekend.

I don't think we're allowed under LGW rules to post in other teams' forums just to start a flame war. Otherwise, I'd do it.

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The Habs fans part was right on too. They will eat people alive and it's not always deserved. Carey Price in the playoffs last year when he was getting booed and fake cheered in that last game against the Bruins, most of those goals, maybe all I don't remember but I know most, were not his fault. And to sarcasticly cheer him like that was stupid. If you are such smart hockey fans you should know that.

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Personally, I can't stand a lot of Wings fans... I'm not talking around here, because around here SOME of us have a general idea of what goes on in the NHL outside of Detroit. A lot of Wing fans tend to be very bias, tend to think of Zetterberg, Datsyuk, and Lidstrom bar none the best players in the NHL, and just tend to think there's no good hockey outside of Hockeytown.

Then again though, I hate Leaf fans because they over-exaggerate how biased Wing fans are, mainly due to hidden jealousy. Also, they give Detroit the littlest amount of credit possible having won 4 cups in 11 years... No Leaf fan has ever told me the Wings have a skilled team, there's always something negative. The old excuse was they overpayed their players in the non salary cap world, then they win a cup in '08, and I'm hearing Leaf fans pull out excuses like "players are getting paid extra on the side."

Give it a break... The worst fans around here are Leaf fans, but from some of their perspectives... I can see why us Wings fans get on their nerves as well.

Laker, Yankee, and Patriot fans are some other ones that bother me... But I've never really had any heated debates with any of them fans, so it's not worth ranting about.

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I don't think we're allowed under LGW rules to post in other teams' forums just to start a flame war. Otherwise, I'd do it.

Can't do it to start a flame war, but no one would know if you signed in as FLQnucks1984 and posted saying you were appalled that the Canucks were included.

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I guess the writer just doesn't understand how the OSU fanbase stays motivated after losing some championship games to great teams. I guess the fanbase should melt away much like Calgary's did after 2004 huh??

Anyway, any list that doesn't have the SEC (either a specific team or in general) listed for douchebag fans should be taken with a serious grain of salt. Same with USC and Ntre Ame fans.

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I guess the writer just doesn't understand how the OSU fanbase stays motivated after losing some championship games to great teams. I guess the fanbase should melt away much like Calgary's did after 2004 huh??

Anyway, any list that doesn't have the SEC (either a specific team or in general) listed for douchebag fans should be taken with a serious grain of salt. Same with USC and Ntre Ame fans.

OSU fans are far worse than any other college football fans. I don't even like college football and I'm annoyed to no end by OSU fans.

Face it, you're an annoying ****** bag. Especially because you don't think you're annoying.

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Guest GordieSid&Ted
Hey look Meatchicken fans, even Jesus is getting into the cheer:


That Jesus creeps me the f out everytime I drive past it.

I'm an OU Bobcat alumn so i'm not a die hard buckeye. Of course I do root for them though but i'm not crazy about it like some of my pals.

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regarding raiders' fans: "Is there anything more intimidating than a 43-year-old middle manager with Type 2 diabetes, black facepaint, and children who refer to him as “that guy who used to be married to my Mom?â€"

that is too funny.

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St. Louis....

Totally agree. Especially Blues fans. Sometimes it seems as if most of them couldn't care less if the Blues ever won a game, let alone a Stanley Cup. As long as the Blues' opponents always leave the ice on stretchers, those Neanderthals are giddy.

Edited by Grateful Gadsby

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Totally agree. Especially Blues fans. Sometimes it seems as if most of them couldn't care less if the Blues ever won a game, let alone a Stanley Cup. As long as the Blues' opponents always leave the ice on stretchers, those Neanderthals are giddy.

Gee, the two I talked to must have been a rare exception. I met a couple of Blues fans the last time we were in Niagara Falls, and nicer people you could not have asked for. They were polite, wished us luck, said we had a great team...we must have talked for a good 15 minutes or so. Really nice people. They must have been the outcasts or something. I've also met Ottawa fans, and Calgary fans, and not a bit of problem. And my housemate is a Boston fan, but we're her second team, so that's okay.

Now, Ohio State fans I will agree with. They're an arrogant bunch of SOB's. I went to see Michigan and Ohio State play hockey one night at Yost, and the OSU fans were throwing pennies on the ice. They ended up stopping the game and telling them to either cut it out or be ejected. They booed! And that was the hockey fans...I hate their football fans even more.

Yankee fans are even worse. Arrogant, obnoxious, loud mouthed jackasses. I'm ashamed to admit my niece Amanda is a Yankee fan. *shudders*.

I'll also put in a vote for Pittsburgh fans.

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Funny no one has voted for red wing fans. Easily in the top 5 worst fans in the nhl.

red wing fans :: hockey as yankee fans :: baseball.

Except the difference is the Wings fans know what post-season success feels like past the year 2000.

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Except the difference is the Wings fans know what post-season success feels like past the year 2000.

Hmm... luckily the success of the team has nothing to do with the actions of the correlating fans...

Edited by pat_honda

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For me...

1. New York Yankees

2. Ohio State Buckeyes (football especially)

3. Chicago Blackhawks

The only one I'm not sure I agree with here is the Blackhawks. Naw, I lied. I remember we went to a game there. The Wings beat them badly on their own ice and afterwards some yahoos carried a hall-wide banner saying, "Wings Suck!". I would also throw in the Avs' fans as either not too bright or just stupidly belligerent.

The Yankees and their fans are arrogant poopnoses and are where they are mainly because of Steinbrenner's money. I want them to beat Minnesota (because of the Tigers) but I want the Angels to hand them their butts on a small tray.

As for the Buckeyes, they are the worst, along with their hierarchy. Some friends of ours went to a game there (with Texas) and while the UT marching band was on the field, the fans were booing and throwing stuff. A security-type guard at the game responded to these Texas fans' concern by saying that they could not guarantee the safety of the band. WHY THE HELL SHOULD THEY HAVE TO??!!

And then there's the time when either the OSU campus police, the Columbus police, or state police boarded the Michigan bus before they could enter the horseshoe grounds for a game to search it for uh...contraband or whatever. An obvious and blatant attempt to intimidate the Wolverines. I hope Big Blue never ever forgets that event. The story should be re-posted every year in the locker room.

Yes, I know I've rambled on here and thanks for giving me the chance to do so. ^_^

Edited by Vladifan

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Funny no one has voted for red wing fans. Easily in the top 5 worst fans in the nhl.

red wing fans :: hockey as yankee fans :: baseball.

Ya think? I've had absolutely no evidence of that even at away games. Once again, the Yankees' team, fans and hierarchy are where they are (in all their arrogance and petulance, even when things hint at being negative on the field) because of George Steinbrenner's money. Period. The Wings do it with talent that is brilliantly discovered, cultivated and nurtured through probably the best sports hierarchy in the world.

You think Jeeter, Rodriguez, et al, would give up money to bring in more talent? I think not.

Edited by Vladifan

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OSU fans are far worse than any other college football fans. I don't even like college football and I'm annoyed to no end by OSU fans.

Face it, you're an annoying ****** bag. Especially because you don't think you're annoying.

I'm just so amused by Michigan and other college football fans that don't think their fan bases include the same type of douchebaggery they link to Ohio State.

And yes I'm amused by the fact that you think I'm annoying for being a Buckeye fan. LOL

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That Jesus creeps me the f out everytime I drive past it.

I'm an OU Bobcat alumn so i'm not a die hard buckeye. Of course I do root for them though but i'm not crazy about it like some of my pals.

I live just to the east of Dayton and go to Cincy every other weekend. Yes I see that thing a LOT.

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