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2021 TDL Thread

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To DET: Richard Panik ($1.65 x 3 UFA) + Jakub Vrana ($3.35 x 1 RFA) + 2021 1st (WSH) + 2022 2nd (WSH)
To WSH: Anthony Mantha ($5.7 x 3 UFA)

To DET: Hayden Verbeek ($753K x 1 RFA) (undrafted) + 2021 5th (OTT)
To MTL: Jon Merrill (925K x 1 UFA)

To DET: David Savard's salary ($2.125 x 1 cap hit) + 2021 4th (TBL)
To TBL: David Savard ($1.062500 x 1 UFA) + Brian Lashoff (700K x 1 UFA) (Reassigned to GR)

Edited by Gniwder

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That's an A grade right there. 

Also, welcome back everyone. Who were you all trolling the last few weeks? 

Also not sure where to put this but Rasmussen and Zadina have both looked really good lately. And this Erne guy who you all would have ice-floated by now. 

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4 minutes ago, The 91 of Ryans said:

That's an A grade right there. 

Also, welcome back everyone. Who were you all trolling the last few weeks? 

Also not sure where to put this but Rasmussen and Zadina have both looked really good lately. And this Erne guy who you all would have ice-floated by now. 

Banned from HF till August.
Perma banned on RWC.

Obviously there would be a different sentiment without the Mantha trade. So lets talk about that one. I don't think it's as a huge a steal as everyone seems to think it is. Vrana was going to need a big pay day that Washington couldn't afford to give him. And Mantha is a much better player (IMO) that is locked in at a reasonable cap hit for the next 3 years. Panik is also a salary dump - not an asset.

So I kinda think about it like this:

To DET: Richard Panik + 2nd
To WSH: unloads Panik's bad contract for the next 3 years

To DET: 3rd line forward (Vrana) + 1st
To WSH: Mantha

Remember, Vrana is a sheltered (with lots of PP time) 60 pt player on a very good Capitals team. Mantha is 70 pt player on a very bad Red Wings team (till he quit on us this year). I can easily see Mantha returning to a 70 pt pace (or more) with Washington. And Vrana dropping off to 40-50 pt pace a season with the Wings.

Therefore we basically got a prime middle 6 winger and a low 1st for Mantha.

That's okay, but not amazing.

Get depressed on retards

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Yeah. I just never imagined Mantha as being part of this team's real future. And I couldn't imagine getting more for him either.

Tatar is better than Mantha. I would argue Mantha fetched a better return. 

I don't think Yzerman fleeced the Caps. But I think it was a good trade. Worthy of an A grade on it's own. Buying a 4th for 250k was also great. 


Edited by The 91 of Ryans

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15 minutes ago, The 91 of Ryans said:

Yeah. I just never imagined Mantha as being part of this team's real future. And I couldn't imagine getting more for him either.

Tatar is better than Mantha. I would argue Mantha fetched a better return. 

I don't think Yzerman fleeced the Caps. But I think it was a good trade. Worthy of an A grade on it's own. Buying a 4th for 250k was also great. 


I think the Tatar and Mantha trades are remarkably similar in many respects.

Tatar netted a 1, 2, and 3

Mantha netted a 1 and Vrana. Vrana is worth a 2 and 3.

It would be nice if Panik can return to being a 30 pt player.

Imagine being Brian Lashoff - "Brian you've been traded to the likely repeat champion Tampa Bay Lightning, but don't worry, they don't actually want you and are gonna pay you to not move to Syracuse. Do not pack your s***. You are awful. But we think you're still cool I guess."

I'm hesitant to give an A, because we only moved Jon Merill, Patrick Nemeth, and Mantha. And Goyzerman still had a salary retention left. A+ would have been utilizing that to move Bernier or Glendog. Or both.

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3 minutes ago, Gniwder said:

I'm hesitant to give an A, because we only moved Jon Merill, Patrick Nemeth, and Mantha. And Goyzerman still had a salary retention left. A+ would have been utilizing that to move Bernier or Glendog. Or both.

Can it be that the ability to retain can be valuable at the exp draft and therefor Yzermann was hesitant to use all three of them now?


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5 minutes ago, Akakabuto said:

Can it be that the ability to retain can be valuable at the exp draft and therefor Yzermann was hesitant to use all three of them now?


That could be

And honestly I'm happiest to keep Glendog and Bernier out of anyone. Losing Bernier would have sent us from bad to rekt status. And Glendog is our good soldier leader Michigan boy. Though I suspect he wasn't traded because his actual value is know where near where this board speculates it is.

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3 minutes ago, F.Michael said:

Glad Grand Master Y moved Mantha...Will give guys like Rasmountain opportunity to show what he could do with extra time on ice.

Why are you consistently the dumbest fella on this board?

We traded 1 forward and got 2. Ras will most likely be behind Vrana and Panik. Idiot.

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7 minutes ago, F.Michael said:

Just PM'd Matt - he'll make me a MOD...And if you think Vladdy16 was bad - just you wait buddy...

>Be you, MOD
>Wake up on a Saturday
>Your day off of work
>But not your day off from MODing
>Log on to LGW
>CRL s*** posts everywhere
>"Daddy daddy! Play with us! Lets go to the lake!"
>You ignore your children
>You have to
>You have to clean up all the poopoopeepee CRL posted all over the board
>You get paid nothing to do this
>"This is important work" you tell yourself "My children will understand why I'm an absentee father"
>Finally clean the board and ban CRL again
>Within the hour he's back again
>More cleaning to do
>Your children are crying
>You do this for free

Good luck

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1 minute ago, Gniwder said:

>Be you, MOD
>Wake up on a Saturday
>Your day off of work
>But not your day off from MODing
>Log on to LGW
>CRL s*** posts everywhere
>"Daddy daddy! Play with us! Lets go to the lake!"
>You ignore your children
>You have to
>You have to clean up all the poopoopeepee CRL posted all over the board
>You get paid nothing to do this
>"This is important work" you tell yourself "My children will understand why I'm an absentee father"
>Finally clean the board and ban CRL again
>Within the hour he's back again
>More cleaning to do
>Your children are crying
>You do this for free

Good luck

I just ban your account without hesitation...

{knock - knock}

FMichael - who's there ?

Kim Jong-Un - it me - N.Korea leader.

FMichael - what can I do for you Kim Jong-Un ?

Kim Jong-Un - you bada$$ - you teach me how to be bada$$ !

FMichael - umm what's in it for me ?

Kim Jong-Un - I let you make sweet love to my sister.

FMichael - deal

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7 minutes ago, F.Michael said:

I just ban your account without hesitation...

{knock - knock}

FMichael - who's there ?

Kim Jong-Un - it me - N.Korea leader.

FMichael - what can I do for you Kim Jong-Un ?

Kim Jong-Un - you bada$$ - you teach me how to be bada$$ !

FMichael - umm what's in it for me ?

Kim Jong-Un - I let you make sweet love to my sister.

FMichael - deal


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1 hour ago, The 91 of Ryans said:

>Be a MOD who has a similar job to CRL

> Have seemingly allllll work day and work week to do MOD things. One wonders how work ever even gets done. 

> Weekends free to play with kids. 


>Be born into family far smarter, richer, and superior than yours
>Never have to work real job
>Ship post on LGW, day trade stocks, and live off dividends
>Enjoy living the dream and laughing at PEI plebs

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8 minutes ago, Akakabuto said:

You like that huh

How about this one?



>Be me
>First female Arabian ship captain ever
>Can't do basic maneuvers like piloting a ship straight through a channel
>Block the Suez Canal
>Cost world trade $20 million per minute
Feminism will win

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Gotta hand it to CBJ. This is the absolutely right time to make these trades. Getting a 1st for both Savard and Foligno is real good. If this was Holland at the helm, a new 3-year contract would be waiting for those guys at the end of the season and Kenny trying to do some meaningless tweaks.

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20 minutes ago, Akakabuto said:

Gotta hand it to CBJ. This is the absolutely right time to make these trades. Getting a 1st for both Savard and Foligno is real good. If this was Holland at the helm, a new 3-year contract would be waiting for those guys at the end of the season and Kenny trying to do some meaningless tweaks.

CBJ has had 8 draft picks over the last 2 years. They have grade A Finnish retardation. And this is exactly why Werenski will leave them in FA for Detroit in about 2 years.

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9 minutes ago, Gniwder said:

CBJ has had 8 draft picks over the last 2 years. They have grade A Finnish retardation. And this is exactly why Werenski will leave them in FA for Detroit in about 2 years.

True. Get rid of finnish retardation and they might have a chance. Werenski is Detroit bound tho.

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