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krsmith17 last won the day on July 13 2021

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About krsmith17

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    Paradise, Newfoundland

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  1. krsmith17

    2021 Off-Season (Too Soon?)

    This is one of many reasons it would be dumb to offer sheet Pettersson... If Yzerman were to do it, Benning would match, and offer sheet Raymond in a few years when he's eligible.
  2. krsmith17

    Targets for the Wings

    There isn't anything I've said that isn't an "if" or "maybe"? Well no s***. That's exactly what I'm saying... I'm not the one guaranteeing anything... I've been attacked and threatened because I "think" it's entirely possible, yes even likely, that we're "in the running" for a bottom 5 finish. That is in no way a guarantee... Anyway, I'm done with this.
  3. krsmith17

    Targets for the Wings

    I do think it's likely. We finished 5th from the bottom last season. I think we've improved marginally. Maybe enough to get us to that 8-10 range. Maybe. I think it's possible that if Yzerman trades Bertuzzi or Vrana, that he considers futures, and if he does want a player back, that player likely won't be as effective as either player traded away. You think if Yzerman trades either of those guys, it'll be as great a return as the Mantha trade? Maybe, but I wouldn't count on it.. I agree that Yzerman is "trying" to ice a competitive team. That doesn't mean we're guaranteed to climb from 27th to 20th. Could we? Sure. Is it likely? I don't think so. We're getting younger, moving in the right direction, but with that comes growing pains. The theme here is that there are a lot of "ifs" and maybes". No "guarantees" like some of you seem to believe. Like any team, any season, a lot can go right / wrong over an 82 game schedule.
  4. krsmith17

    Targets for the Wings

    Yes, we'll be "in the running" for a top 5 pick. Absof***inglutely. What's your point?
  5. krsmith17

    Targets for the Wings

    Yup, nice dodge indeed. I don't blame you for not wanting to answer the question... Why would I bet money on something I "think" has a "possibility" of happening? LOL a lot of threats behind that computer screen hey big fella...
  6. krsmith17

    Targets for the Wings

    Literally no one has said that this team has not improved. The difference is how much some of us believe we have improved. Me: "It's very possibly we could be in the running for a bottom 5 finish again this season"... kip, bark, marc: "ThErE's No WaY tHaT iS pOsSiBlE" "wAnT tO BeT $500?"...
  7. krsmith17

    Targets for the Wings

    Ok, so you do think we are a "rebuilding team". So explain the point of the above post... Are you saying that actually is what rebuilding teams do? Or that Yzerman was dumb for acquiring Leddy, giving up a pick since we are still a rebuilding team? Or was it just another dumb post by kipwinger that made absolutely no sense?...
  8. krsmith17

    Targets for the Wings

    This (clear sarcasm) to me indicates that kip doesn't believe we are a "rebuilding team"... "ReAd BeTwEeN tHe LiNeS"...
  9. krsmith17

    Targets for the Wings

    LOL Is this a joke? I've never (non-sarcastically) said the rebuild is over...
  10. krsmith17

    Targets for the Wings

    We're absolutely getting closer. I've never said otherwise. I'm just not so naive to think the rebuild is over, or that we're this dramatically improved team, or that there's no way we finish bottom 5 this season... The rebuild is not over. We've improved marginally. Maybe it's enough to get us around 8-10 from the bottom. Maybe Yzerman trades a big player or two, and we once again finish in the bottom 5. We'll see...
  11. krsmith17

    2021 Off-Season (Too Soon?)

    Nah. Just thrilled this rebuild is finally behind us...
  12. krsmith17

    2021 Off-Season (Too Soon?)

    Now THIS is what teams that have completed a rebuild do...
  13. krsmith17

    2021 Off-Season (Too Soon?)

  14. krsmith17

    Targets for the Wings

    So are you saying the Detroit Red Wings are NOT a rebuilding team? LOL This is exactly why I didn't love the trade initially. Leddy is a solid player, great addition, but I didn't think Yzerman would be turning the corner that quickly. I still don't think he is fully turning the corner just yet, but Leddy signifies that we're getting closer.
  15. krsmith17

    Targets for the Wings

    Sure, it helps when there's a roster player coming back, but I don't think it's a requirement for Yzerman. If a team is offering up a high end prospect and pick(s), I think he'd be all over it. You think signing a high(er) profile player like Bertuzzi requires the same leg work as a bridge deal for Rasmussen or an extension for Pickard? Not even close. It's very common for a lot of the smaller deals to get done early in the summer, and some of the bigger deals to happen as late as August / September, right before training camp...