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    town123 got a reaction from LeftWinger in 2024 Offseason Thread   
    As far as I can tell.... we get a buyout no matter how the player signs (agreement or forced), and starts 3 days after JV signs and ends 5 days later for a single buyout of a contract valued at 4M or higher.
    So we could hear something between tues and thurs I'm figuring.
  2. Like
    town123 got a reaction from Al The Octopus in 2024 Offseason Thread   
    So.... Is Husso the only logical buyout candidate?
  3. Like
    town123 reacted to mackel in 2024 Offseason Thread   
    Funny you should mention Zadina... saw some speculation he's going to sign in Europe... figured I'd swing by for a victory lap since I called that too.
    I'd rather have Berggren than Laine.  Holl is fine... 
  4. Like
    town123 reacted to mackel in 2024-25 Bold Predictions   
    1.  We get Rutger McGroarty from the Jets for a package featuring Bear-Grin and a 25 lotto protected 1st, sliding to 26 if necessary and a 2nd in the opposite year.
    2.  Holl is our 3rd best defenseman. 
    3.  We finish with the same point total but miss the playoffs by a larger margin.
    4.  Mazur is a 2nd half standout.
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    town123 reacted to stephen-gregory-yzerman in The Power Play   
    Wasnt Ras drafted to be a net front on the pp? 
  6. Like
    town123 reacted to stephen-gregory-yzerman in Offersheeting Broberg   
    I agree offersheets are not a good idea.
    What would it cost to get Nikishin out of Carolina? Id think a lot but man itd be fun to watch Nikishin-Seider as the top pair for the next decade.
  7. Like
    town123 got a reaction from Al The Octopus in Offersheeting Broberg   
    I get it man, but still, you poke the nest and down the road you get poked back when Danielson and others get offersheeted just under the amount to give up any real compensation yet enough to force us to make a decision we don't want to make.  
    As a team that's on the way up with an above average prospect pool,  this strategy could really hurt us in the end IMO.
  8. Like
    town123 got a reaction from stephen-gregory-yzerman in 2024 Offseason Thread   
    Please no.    Zegras would get killed in the playoffs.    I would much rather have Kasper in that lineup spot and have Danielson being the Zegras of our future.
  9. Haha
    town123 reacted to Jimmybigrigs69 in Norwegian Flood Gate?   
    I thought Swedes and Finns are natural enemies? Like Swedes and Danes. And Swedes and Norwegians. And Swedes and Swedes. 
  10. Like
    town123 reacted to Jimmybigrigs69 in 2024 Offseason Thread   
    Just stop with the Husso BS. You don't know what the two seperate injuries were. The only thing we have been told to this point is he is expected to be fully recovered and ready to start the season. Any expectation outside of that is baseless speculation at this point.
    Are we moving the goal posts on Copp now? You suggested he is one of the top candidates for the arbitration buyout. I'm telling you I think that's absurd, based on the critical role he plays in the lineup. 
    We haven't even gotten into the weeds of the financials yet, and how messy/costly that buyout would be, which also makes it unlikely to happen. But I don't think that conversation is even necessary based on the players performance.
    Do I think Copp is overpaid? Yes and no. Had Copp been developed in our system I don't think he'd have the contract he has right now. However, that's not the scenario of how he came to us, and I think we paid fair market price for him on the open market. If your going to fill critical holes with UFA players you're going to give up AAV and term. And we had to fill those holes.
    Copp, Chiarot, and JTC were all given very lucrative contracts to come be a stabilizing force on a bad team. Copp probably doesn't love being a shutdown center with no PP time, but that’s the price he paid when we agreed to commit to him long-term. He's expected to be a good soldier and do what's asked of him, like eat the hard minutes others can't/won't. And Chiarot/Copp/Etc have been good soldiers so far. Which is why I don't think we'll see Yzerman lay a finger on any of those contracts... IMHO part of what SY is doing building a culture where guys who commit to the hard stuff, committ to systems, and soldier through, get put up on a pedestal. 
    Veleno... you want 5 million dollars? Go play like Copp. You want top 6 icetime? Play like Copp. 
    And just to be clear, I don't think Copp or Chiarot will be on a wings cup winning team. Maybe they will be on their next contracts, but not these. The idea of building through the draft is that we wont need to handout lucrative contracts to fill critical roles anymore. But that phase will come when these contracts are completed. Not bought out or moved.
  11. Like
    town123 got a reaction from Al The Octopus in Offersheeting Broberg   
    I get it man, but still, you poke the nest and down the road you get poked back when Danielson and others get offersheeted just under the amount to give up any real compensation yet enough to force us to make a decision we don't want to make.  
    As a team that's on the way up with an above average prospect pool,  this strategy could really hurt us in the end IMO.
  12. Like
    town123 reacted to kliq in Puck Pedia   
    There is this one as well
  13. Like
    town123 reacted to Scott R Lucidi in Matt Savoie for Ryan McLeod   
    Great signing.  23 years old.  Always good to take a chance on an immature defensemen that has mad skills but hasn't grown up yet.
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    town123 got a reaction from Scott R Lucidi in Return of the Zadina   
    Or Z could turn into an 80 pt guy playing with Celebrini.
    Oh wait.    Even SJ wasn't fooled.
  15. Like
    town123 reacted to Axl Foley in 2024 Offseason Thread   
    Offersheeting other team's players is just a bad idea. First, you are just asking for someone to do the same thing to you down the road. Second, good luck ever trying to make deals thereafter with the team you screwed over. That is a burnt bridge. And third, you just stained your reputation as far as other GM's go. You are only making your job more difficult going forward.
    That's why SMART GMs don't do that.
  16. Haha
    town123 reacted to Akakabuto in 2024 Offseason Thread   
    We need a character limit
  17. Haha
    town123 reacted to Jimmybigrigs69 in Rumors Thread   
    BREAKING NEWS: The NHL makes history as Kelly Trouba becomes the first ever hockey wife to have a career/family. 
    "This is new territory for the Rangers and everyone in the league." Chris Drury told TSN. "Our in house counsel and the players union are reviewing the CBA on the matter as we speak"
    This could complicate trading Trouba for the Rangers. Traditionally NHL players only wed drunk in bed all day sleepy wine wives. These women were normally so drunk and full of xanax they wouldnt even realize they were in a new home in a new city. 
    Will the Rangers destroy this historic family and shatter a boss ***** queens career just to save a petty 7 million dollars? 
    More to follow as the days unfold. 
  18. Haha
    town123 reacted to Dabura in 2024 Draft   
    Well, yeah.
    I heard MBN banged Corey Perry's mom. All he does is win. It's incredible.
  19. Like
    town123 got a reaction from Al The Octopus in Rumors Thread   
    Domi 4/15m     I would have done that, but I guess the Make Be Leafs are getting a hometown discount.
  20. Like
    town123 reacted to AtlantaHotWings in 2024 Offseason Thread   
    But you get a bit of extra time to convince him that no state tax is better than an extra year in Carolina with taxes 
  21. Like
    town123 reacted to Jimmybigrigs69 in 2024 Offseason Thread   
    You get to make a whole pitch under no pressure. No other GMs driving up cost and making promises while you scramble to get him to sign on the dotted line. You can put him on the phone with Cooper and explain where he'll be used and who he'll play with. You can pitch the franchise, the staff, the area. Plus you get to find out from Jake and his agent exactly what's important to them in a new contract, and have it tailor made for them before tomorrow. Huge advantage.
    3rd rd pick is pricey but there were probably multiple other teams bidding on his negotiating rights.
    Guentzel is pretty much the last tickle me elmo on black friday. Bribing the store manager with a pick gets you into the store the night before. You can't buy it yet, but you get to see what aisle he's in, what shelf, what price, what financing options there you get a big leg up on the other shoppers when doors open in the morning. 
  22. Thanks
    town123 got a reaction from Akakabuto in 2024 Draft   
    Just the NHL rules for not signing a 1st rounder.    MLB if you don't sign a 1st rounder, the next year you get to pick one spot later as compensation.      I guess the NHL wants to protect teams that are dumb.... lol
  23. Like
    town123 got a reaction from Al The Octopus in 2024 Offseason Thread   
    Anyone know why Tampa would spit up a 3rd rounder for the negotiating rights to Guentzel? 
      Come July 1st he could still listen to all offers couldn't he?
  24. Like
    town123 reacted to Motor City Mullets in Rumors Thread   
    I’m good with Zadorov and Pesce, but no thanks to Domi unless he signs for a real gud price.
  25. Like
    town123 got a reaction from Al The Octopus in Rumors Thread   
    Ah please no