Andy Pred 48

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Andy Pred 48 last won the day on April 30 2014

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About Andy Pred 48

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/22/1966

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  • Location
    Peterborough England
  • Interests
    Wings,Griffs and Walleye.

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  1. Andy Pred 48

    2020 Draft Thread

    Stevie Y is gunna play mind games with Ottawa At the draft and force them to take Drysdale with their 3rd.
  2. Andy Pred 48

    2020 Offseason

    Chicago just signed the Swiss kid.
  3. Andy Pred 48


    Well 2 seasons into his NHL career and he’s going at almost a point per 2 games on a poor offensive side. Hmm, not too shabby so far. Hopefully this is a start to a bright future.
  4. Andy Pred 48

    2018 Prospect Tournament and Training Camp

    Sulak in for Jensen.
  5. Andy Pred 48

    Rumors Thread

    Bergevin was the same height and weight in his year with the Wings As Patches is listed now. Hitting the gym big style after hanging them up
  6. Andy Pred 48

    Andy Pred 48

  7. Andy Pred 48

    Rumors Thread

    Yeah , we need to save some space for that D coming in ?!
  8. Andy Pred 48

    Official 2019 Offseason Rebuild Thread

    Well he's the most ready and has played 200 + games in various senior leagues and played big minutes for Czech national side so I'd put him at the front of the queue.
  9. Andy Pred 48

    Official 2019 Offseason Rebuild Thread

    Sulak is the dark horse here folks, he is coming in under the radar.
  10. Andy Pred 48

    2018 Off-Season Trades / Signings / News

    Looks like Faulk is surplus in Carolina with them signing DeHaan. Could Kenny be in a trade mode ?
  11. Andy Pred 48

    Rumors Thread

  12. Andy Pred 48

    6/22 GDT - 2018 Entry Draft

    Veleno is in the top 10 as being most NHL ready. Next year's 3 rd line centre? Why not , anyway did anyone else notice Quinn Hughes's face when Kenny took Zadina at 6 he was just behind Filip it was a look of disbelief.
  13. Andy Pred 48

    Rumors Thread

    Holland will sign 2-3 ufa vets you can count on it, need a calming influence on what will be a very young roster next year (hoping) !!
  14. Andy Pred 48

    6/23 GDT - 2018 Entry Draft (Rounds 2-7)

    LA took my boy at 82 a pick after ours!! You’ll hear a lot about this miss in the future
  15. Andy Pred 48

    Rumors Thread

    More likely Green out and Faulk in on cheaper contract. Not sure what the Hanifin deal was, maybe our Svechnikov plus AA and our #30 pick , I guess that’s dead in the water now.