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kickazz last won the day on April 28 2019

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    Prince of all Saiyans

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  1. kickazz

    Poll: Datsyuk on the team at 41?

    69. Him being the 9, Zetterberg being the 6.
  2. kickazz

    Holland set to become GM of Oilers

    Agreed. But I disagree with Dickie for overly s***ting on Holland. Holland was a master RFA negotiator.
  3. kickazz

    Holland set to become GM of Oilers

    Fair enough. I do think that in Yzermans case he had a cup contender and he was trying to lock up a very strong team, in Holland case the team was mediocre and regressing. Personally I wasn’t a fan of our guys getting those NMC/NTC while us not being that great. I do think Holland always did a great job of signing his RFAs. The Larkin deal was one of the best made last year. But some of his signings from 2014-2016 were head scratching.
  4. kickazz

    Report: Detroit to name Steve Yzerman as GM

    Red Wingsians. We’re filthy.
  5. kickazz

    Holland set to become GM of Oilers

    True dude, but Tampa NTC/NMC were for the star players mostly and not the Darren Helms, Abdelkader’s, Daley’s, Vaneks. Callahan used to be a good player until he wasn’t anymore. But Abdelkader, Helm, Vanek, Daley shouldn’t have been locked down by any means. But also they signed Kucherov to a multi year extension without restrictions if I’m not mistaken? That’s huge and Yzerman def gets praise for that.
  6. kickazz

    Holland set to become GM of Oilers

    Woah wtf you canadian?
  7. kickazz

    Holland set to become GM of Oilers

    He’s going to be disrespected 10x more amongst Oilers fans than Wings fans if he doesn’t suit their needs is my point.
  8. kickazz

    Holland set to become GM of Oilers

    Hockey will never be more popular in US than Canada.
  9. kickazz

    Holland set to become GM of Oilers

    Yeah seriously. People think it’s just the Wings fans s***ting on Holland over the years, honestly his rep took a hit by outsiders as well. I’m genuinely curious about how things play out in Edmonton. Hes not being received nearly as well as one would think.
  10. Do you not like Yzerman becoming our GM or something
  11. kickazz

    Holland set to become GM of Oilers

    Holland will finally with GM of the year thru Edmonton.
  12. kickazz

    Report: Detroit to name Steve Yzerman as GM

    Didn’t realize Verbeek still lived in Michigan primarily and was “commuting” to Florida like Yzerman was. God I love all this loyalty. Bring em all back home!
  13. kickazz

    Holland set to become GM of Oilers

    I approve of Holland’s decision to leave. He did what was best for himself and his family. At the end of the day, that’s what matters. I’m a little butt hurt how quickly he bounced, but I also get it and frankly I’m impressed how he set himself up. I cant say “good luck” to him. Because I want Edmonton and any team not named Detroit Red Wings to fail.
  14. kickazz

    Holland set to become GM of Oilers

    Rightfully so though. The expectation for Yzerman (any GM) is to do well. If we regress worse than the shyte we are now for the next 5-7 years continuously then Yzerman should be fired. But if it’s just been a couple of years then no. The issue with Holland was lack of a contingency plan in late 2000s and his reliance on Zets/Dats/Lidstrom. It just went on for nearly 6 years or so. In the last 2-3 years he did a decent job of drafting. But it was too late to recover from fan skepticism from 2012-2016 or whatever it was. It also didn’t help that he signed some bad contracts even though he drafted solid players; just added more to fan skepticism. Tough recovery for Holland in the eyes of fans. With Yzerman, the narrative is “well he’s taking over a s***ty cap/roster full of young guys, he has to fix Holland’s mess, let’s give him time” But like you mention “parity”. That’s where the slippery slope is. There will be some dramatic fans getting pissed when we get eliminated in playoffs early rounds a few years in a row. But all we can do is hope for the best when we get there. All I want is us to be a contender. Get us at least to the conference finals. If Yzerman can get us there, I’ll say he did a fine job.
  15. kickazz

    Holland set to become GM of Oilers

    In order for people to turn on Yzerman, we would have to continue to regress, and get worse. If we get better, I doubt people will turn on him anytime soon.