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Joe Veleno needs to be kicked out from hockey

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This crap has no place in hockey, he hasn't made it in the NHL so now he goes to the worlds to act tough. Joe needs to go not only from the worlds but the NHL as well, what a complete loser. 


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14 minutes ago, Axl Foley said:

For a stomp? That's a complete overreaction.

You are right, a deliberate attempt to slice an opponents calf and achilles in half with a sharp blade should get a $10 fine...

Maybe it's just me but I've always had zero tolerance for the Joe Velenos and Todd Bertuzzis - I'd rather see them in prison than on the ice. 

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2 hours ago, Mattm88 said:

I'm sorry if I insulted your hero


Swiss aren't supposed to take sides.

Chris Simon, who had had previous disciplinary issues, got a 30 game suspension for the same offense.

And Todd Bertuzzi got a 1 year suspension for doing something far worse than a stomp.

Veleno has zero history of dirty play in either the NHL or international play. So yeah, I would say a lifetime ban is an overreaction.

Edited by Axl Foley

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Riley Sheahan at age 23:  60 pts in 123 games
Joe Veleno at age 23: 36 pts in 152 games

It gets worse when you realize that Veleno doesn't kill penalties like Sheahan did either. He's a literally a Lindstrom/Zadina tier waste of space.

4 minutes ago, The 91 of Ryans said:

Well he needs to activate. No hard feelings. We need bodies. 

I agree. No sarcasm, he is my favorite poster of all time. He's the darkknight to my joker. I'm nothing but a degenerate retard in clown makeup without him.

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In my personal opinion (my view, obviously not the NHL's) Todd Bertuzzi should have never been allowed to play again. Same with McSorley. Same with Veleno.

If you go into the rink and perform a deliberate act that would at least in the US give you a multiyear prison sentence for assault I don't see why you should be allowed a second chance. 

Veleno's stomp was also in my view worse than Simon's, it was completely unprovoked whereas Simon had been agitated by Ruutu (which is of course no excuse either).

And Veleno has a pattern of doing this in international play, including a previous suspension for a head butt.  https://www.iihf.com/en/events/2020/wm20/news/17029/veleno-suspended

He fails in the NHL and then tries to be a big boy internationally when he doesn't have to risk getting punched in the mouth. I have zero respect for the loser and - personally - think the NHL and hockey would be better off without him. 

Edited by Mattm88

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There are 5 games left in the Worlds so they threw him out from the tournament. 

Anything more would have been a permanent ban from international games as he would not have been selected again just to ride out a further suspension on the bench (they should have still given him the permanent ban). 

As a crap player who's been thrown out once I don't think he will be picked ever again so it's a bit academic I hope.  

Here's also hoping he doesn't get a contract and deals with his CTE / mental illness issues off the rink. 


Edited by Mattm88

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26 minutes ago, Mattm88 said:

There are 5 games left in the Worlds so they threw him out from the tournament. 

Anything more would have been a permanent ban from international games as he would not have been selected again just to ride out a further suspension on the bench (they should have still given him the permanent ban). 

As a crap player who's been thrown out once I don't think he will be picked ever again so it's a bit academic I hope.  

Here's also hoping he doesn't get a contract and deals with his CTE / mental illness issues off the rink. 


Veleno will likely get a contract offer from the wings, and he'll likely take it for the good of his career.

But yes he's not very good, and these actions are shameful. I would be A-ok with the wing not qualifying and replacing him with Nosek/Glendog/Motte.

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On 5/20/2023 at 1:14 PM, Mattm88 said:

This crap has no place in hockey, he hasn't made it in the NHL so now he goes to the worlds to act tough. Joe needs to go not only from the worlds but the NHL as well, what a complete loser. 


What he did was totally wrong and extremely dangerous, But to say he should be banned out of hockey is totally moronic and very biased. he's being suspended for 5 games for Team Canada. And I'm pretty sure that Yzerman will get with him and say you'll never ever do this crap while on my team.

Stomping on someone is never good, But it's not like Joe Veleno is the only player that has ever done something like this so reckless and foolish. Niederreiter did the exact same thing and only got one game while Veleno who has no issues in flagrant penalties got five games.

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14 minutes ago, kipwinger said:

Is this where all the wilting flowers hang out? LGW used to be full of "we need to get tougher" and "Zadina is a soft manlet" and "old time hockey" and now it's turned into this? For shame.

I am thinking maybe Joe misinterpreted Uncle Fester saying we need to get tougher. Joe V simply went back to his East LA days and was administrating a curb stomp of an opponent 

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Maybe playing meaner is the key to unlocking JV as a player. Maybe he's always been this guy, but he's been shoehorned into a "scorer" archetype because of his early success in the CHL. Maybe he just needs to embrace being the new Claude Lemieux.

I've got a lot of time for JV after this. 

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I guess you missed several years ago, When a piece of s**t Columbus Blue Jacket player tried to take Mike Modano's head off when he was recklessly aiming hid skate at his throat. Can't remember what player it was i believe he was dealt to Philly but he was extremely dangerous with his skate very reckless.

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3 hours ago, diehardredwingsfan58 said:

What he did was totally wrong and extremely dangerous, But to say he should be banned out of hockey is totally moronic and very biased. he's being suspended for 5 games for Team Canada. And I'm pretty sure that Yzerman will get with him and say you'll never ever do this crap while on my team.

Stomping on someone is never good, But it's not like Joe Veleno is the only player that has ever done something like this so reckless and foolish. Niederreiter did the exact same thing and only got one game while Veleno who has no issues in flagrant penalties got five games.

I was joking. And pointing out the absurdity of kicking Veleno out of the league for his infraction. Nino hit a guy in the face with his stick who was sitting on the bench, but only got one game for it. Why isn't OP calling for his ban?

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3 hours ago, diehardredwingsfan58 said:

I guess you missed several years ago, When a piece of s**t Columbus Blue Jacket player tried to take Mike Modano's head off when he was recklessly aiming hid skate at his throat. Can't remember what player it was i believe he was dealt to Philly but he was extremely dangerous with his skate very reckless.

I. Don't. Caaaaaarrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee. Joe Veleno could cut Nino's head off with his skate and it wouldn't be much worse than what I see on the news all day everyday. Grow up.

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