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GDT 12/9/23 Klim Kostin/Wings vs Brady Tkachuk/Sens

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12 hours ago, The 91 of Ryans said:

Any dink with internet knows that Kostin wasn't a 'healthy" scratch tonight. Sorry dudes but these are embarrassing takes. @kipwinger was full of  wings and a little sumtin sumtin from a dispensary so I guess he's excused. Not sure what the newbie's excuse is..........

Did I miss something with respect to Kostin? I'm still not seeing anything about him online.

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2 hours ago, Dabura said:

Honestly, this team's pathetic.

"Welcome to our barn. Shall we bend over and spread our cheeks? Be gentle plz. The last time you ruined our season you were so rough."

I actually liked the effort of the guys last night when you consider we were playing with 9 fowards and both our top centers were missing. We had a lot of chances and while we were definitely going to lose that game after the first (it was like the wind was sucked out of the room at the arena) they kept working and tried to get back in it. Kudos especially to Veleno, Rasmussen, and Fischer who were out there for some of the roughest minutes I've ever seen anyone play in a hockey game. Those three were dogs last night.

My big takeaways were, A) we've got to figure out our goaltending. Not like "who's the starter" but rather "which two are we keeping". We need skaters occupying that last roster spot. B) If Kostin isn't playing in last night's game then why's he on the team? He looked really good two games ago and was out last night. What gives? C) Holy f*ck the penalties. We take sh*t penalties ALL THE TIME and it's killing us. Perron, Rasmussen, and Walman all took dumb penalties last night that hurt us as much as losing Larkin. We have to learn to play disciplined hockey. D) If we're going to take penalties at least be physical and earn them. I was fine with what Perron did after Larkin's injury, but otherwise we didn't respond until the 3rd when the game was out of reach. At that point we had a meaningless fight and Seider threw a few hits that didn't matter. Set the physical tone from opening puck drop against teams like that. I mean, we're taking penalties anyway. I'd rather they be for roughing than for tripping or slashing. Ugh.

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1 hour ago, kipwinger said:

I actually liked the effort of the guys last night when you consider we were playing with 9 fowards and both our top centers were missing. We had a lot of chances and while we were definitely going to lose that game after the first (it was like the wind was sucked out of the room at the arena) they kept working and tried to get back in it. Kudos especially to Veleno, Rasmussen, and Fischer who were out there for some of the roughest minutes I've ever seen anyone play in a hockey game. Those three were dogs last night.

My big takeaways were, A) we've got to figure out our goaltending. Not like "who's the starter" but rather "which two are we keeping". We need skaters occupying that last roster spot. B) If Kostin isn't playing in last night's game then why's he on the team? He looked really good two games ago and was out last night. What gives? C) Holy f*ck the penalties. We take sh*t penalties ALL THE TIME and it's killing us. Perron, Rasmussen, and Walman all took dumb penalties last night that hurt us as much as losing Larkin. We have to learn to play disciplined hockey. D) If we're going to take penalties at least be physical and earn them. I was fine with what Perron did after Larkin's injury, but otherwise we didn't respond until the 3rd when the game was out of reach. At that point we had a meaningless fight and Seider threw a few hits that didn't matter. Set the physical tone from opening puck drop against teams like that. I mean, we're taking penalties anyway. I'd rather they be for roughing than for tripping or slashing. Ugh.

I'm just saying this is the third or fourth time the Sens have steamrolled us. We need to show up ready to play from shift one. It seems like such a simple thing, but we can't figure it out.

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23 minutes ago, Dabura said:

I'm just saying this is the third or fourth time the Sens have steamrolled us. We need to show up ready to play from shift one. It seems like such a simple thing, but we can't figure it out.

I understand what you’re saying but I don’t think last night was the same thing as those two games last season. Last year we were bullied and humiliated on the ice with a full compliment of forwards and no injuries. Last night we played without a significant portion of our team after a really really scary on ice incident and battled like hell to the final buzzer. The score might have looked the same but the effort wasn’t. 

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38 minutes ago, kipwinger said:

I understand what you’re saying but I don’t think last night was the same thing as those two games last season. Last year we were bullied and humiliated on the ice with a full compliment of forwards and no injuries. Last night we played without a significant portion of our team after a really really scary on ice incident and battled like hell to the final buzzer. The score might have looked the same but the effort wasn’t. 


But I'd add that we got down 0-1 less than two minutes into the game because of a penalty, and I'd argue that set the tone.

Show up ready to play, and play.

The next time we play the Sens, our guys will talk a big game about the importance of divisional games and how we need to start strong and play a full 60. And then the Sens will hang 15 shots and three goals on us through the first 20 mins. Two of those goals will be power play goals and the other will be a shorty.

(Yes, I'm venting.)

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5 hours ago, kipwinger said:

Did I miss something with respect to Kostin? I'm still not seeing anything about him online.

Lalonde said yesterday that “a couple guys were banged up a bit and that they might go 11 - 7” and since Kostin was the odd man out we’re just assuming it was more than just a a (stupid) healthy scratch. 
I’d also bet money that Copp is playing hurt too. 

Anyway, Wings have 3 games in four nights starting tomorrow in Dallas and they’ll be without Larkin, Perron, and maybe JT. This could be the the start of a real nose-dive, again because of a game against the Sens. Brutal stuff. 

Edited by The 91 of Ryans

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I really need to better understand why Kostin was not dressed for last night's game?  Yzerman brought this guy on board specifically to deal with teams like Ottawa who took liberties with the team last season ... yet he's a scratch last night, and *surprise* Ottawa took liberties again.

If Kostin was "banged up a little" or "under the weather" (as I've read elsewhere) ... take some meds and power through, sit at the end of the bench, and give us 5-10 minutes plus a fight IF necessary.  Do you seriously think that wouldn't be a deterrent to scumbag pukes like Joseph taking liberties with our captain, or anyone else?  The Sens have scouting reports too, y'know.

Larkin just got run the other night by the Rangers, and has been playing despite tragedy in his personal life, so he's putting out and sacrificing for the benefit of his teammates - real captain-like stuff.  And then, when it matters, in a game against a team that pretty much put the wheels in motion for Yzerman to get him here ... Kostin isn't dressed?!?!?!?!?

If Kostin asked out, as kip said earlier ... why is he even here???  Get Reaves in here ASAP.

If this was Lalonde's decision not to dress Kostin ... what was he thinking????  This is on him.

Yzerman saw this happen in '96 with Draper getting suckered by Claude Lemieux, and I don't think he'll be happy that this decision has cost his team his captain/top scorer/best player for a few more games (at best) AND whatever suspension Perron gets hit with.

Edvinsson also need to be recalled stat.  First 25 games have gone well, but cracks are now starting to show, and while we wait for Yzerman to fleece some other GM out of a top quality goalie at the deadline, he needs to toughen up the team he's putting on the ice NOW.  JMHO.

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Ive said it since the first Ottawa game last year where they ran Walman 4 straight times, this team is full of estrogen filled euro SISSY BOYS.  I lobbied for Reaves and Foligno in the offseason, but we brought in more toolbags.  Until this team learns that their defensemen need to be doing the injuring and not letting their teammates get injured, we can forget about playoffs and such.  You gotta be able to win the toughness battle in hockey first before the skill battle is won.  2 crosschecks on our captain that knock him out of the game.  Perron is the only guy on the team upset about it.  WTF.  Ghost dont give a shyte.  Fabbri sat there pretending like he was keeping Tkachuk at bay.  He's gutless.  Bunch of cee u next tuesdays on the Red Wings.  Yzerman is to blame here, tho.  This isnt coaching or kostin not being in the lineup.  This is a gm not recognizing that his team is too soft for professional sports.  The moves were there in the summer to get guys that could swat the flies.  Yzerman didnt do anything.

Edited by Scott R Lucidi

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10 minutes ago, Scott R Lucidi said:

Ive said it since the first Ottawa game last year where they ran Walman 4 straight times, this team is full of estrogen filled euro SISSY BOYS.  I lobbied for Reaves and Foligno in the offseason, but we brought in more toolbags.  Until this team learns that their defensemen need to be doing the injuring and not letting their teammates get injured, we can forget about playoffs and such.  You gotta be able to win the toughness battle in hockey first before the skill battle is won.  2 crosschecks on our captain that knock him out of the game.  Perron is the only guy on the team upset about it.  WTF.  Ghost dont give a shyte.  Fabbri sat there pretending like he was keeping Tkachuk at bay.  He's gutless.  Bunch of cee u next tuesdays on the Red Wings.  Yzerman is to blame here, tho.  This isnt coaching or kostin not being in the lineup.  This is a gm not recognizing that his team is too soft for professional sports.  The moves were there in the summer to get guys that could swat the flies.  Yzerman didnt do anything.

Yzerman traded for Kostin what in the literal he11 are you going on about now? 

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On 12/10/2023 at 5:59 AM, Dabura said:

Honestly, this team's pathetic.

"Welcome to our barn. Shall we bend over and spread our cheeks? Be gentle plz. The last time you ruined our season you were so rough."

pathetic is the exact word.  And it applies mostly to Seider and Chiarot.  These guys are not men and not teammates.  Tkachuk abd Giroux would be in Dylan Larkin's position right now if they were.  So sick of ghis gutless, crappy defense.

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Ok, ok, I've figured out what is happening! Wings are doing the ol' Tampa Bay Lightning Circumvention trick!

By next week's end, Larkin and Compher will be put on LTIR, Wings will acquire Stamkos (50% retained) Nylander (50% retained) and Hanifin (50% retained) then come playoffs, Larkin and Compher will be 100% ready to go (miraculously!) 

I can't believe we all haven't seen this coming! You're welcome!

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Anyone seen the Shoresy episode when he crosschecks the dude for trying "The Michigan" twice in a game? That's David Perron right now and I love him so much for it. I'll be a fan of that guy until the day he dies and I'm seriously considering starting a GoFundMe to pay his fines. I wish he'd have done it to Stutzle to let them know, you take on of ours it's open season on yours.

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On 12/10/2023 at 1:49 PM, Dabura said:

I'm just saying this is the third or fourth time the Sens have steamrolled us. We need to show up ready to play from shift one. It seems like such a simple thing, but we can't figure it out.

We defeated them soundly back in October.

On 12/11/2023 at 12:57 PM, Scott R Lucidi said:

pathetic is the exact word.  And it applies mostly to Seider and Chiarot.  These guys are not men and not teammates.  Tkachuk abd Giroux would be in Dylan Larkin's position right now if they were.  So sick of ghis gutless, crappy defense.

Yeah. 6 game suspension for our #1 D. Brilliant.

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8 hours ago, The 91 of Ryans said:

And their .478 win % vs Detroit's .607 % ? 

Detroit are the better/deeper team by a mile this year. I don't give a crap if the Wings go 1-3 vs the Sens as long as they make the playoffs. 

The Sens have owned us lately and I don't like it. Simple as that.

But I don't really care about the Sens tbh. I just want this team to take no prisoners.

Edited by Dabura

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We play Ottawa again January 31st. If I'm Lalonde I'd tell one of my tough guys to try and go with Joseph on his first shift. If he won't go, move on to Plan B...dump the puck to Chabot and Sanderson and run them through the end boards for the rest of the game.

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5 hours ago, kipwinger said:

We play Ottawa again January 31st. If I'm Lalonde I'd tell one of my tough guys to try and go with Joseph on his first shift. If he won't go, move on to Plan B...dump the puck to Chabot and Sanderson and run them through the end boards for the rest of the game.

Straight up, this would be my strategy as coach almost every game. 4th line... I want you to dump it in Chabot's corner every play, and Kostin and ZAR, I want you to RUN him every time. I do not care if you recover the puck. SWEEP THE ******* LEGS

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