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Buppy last won the day on January 4 2021

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About Buppy

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    Darth Diculous

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  1. Buppy

    BOLD Predictions for 2021 Season

    There's only 56 games. 20 goals this year is like 30 in a full season. No one on the Wings will get covid Ottawa makes the playoffs Nielsen will have a bounce back year, score 25+ points, and end as our 2C.
  2. Buppy

    Red Wings players / prospects on loan

    Josh Ho-sang is not even a year older, has 24 points in 53 games, and cleared waivers. Svech has 4 in 20, makes $200k more, and is injured again. I'll be shocked if he's claimed. Highly unlikely he has any future here regardless. That said, 100% claimed by Carolina and hat trick Thursday.
  3. Buppy

    Red Wings players / prospects on loan

    The only reason anyone is a #1 anything is because that team has no one better. Over the last 3 years, Larkin is 28th in ppg. His best year was 21st. He's a 1C, just not a very good one. Whether we "need" anyone better is debatable. Many ways to skin a cat, as they say, though if he stays on the low end of the scoring spectrum he should at least be a Selke candidate.
  4. Buppy

    2021 Season

    More garbage, but he's at least been good in the AHL. I suppose there's always a chance he could figure something out.
  5. Buppy

    2021 Season

    My point is that he is not good offensively. Or at least hasn't been so far. Since your whole argument is based around him being good offensively, it seems appropriate to point out. Of course he'll get into games. Even in a healthy year you'll pay 9-10 guys. Biega will play. Lindstrom will play. Staal will play. Probably a few more. You want him to be a full time regular. You think he should be at least #6. You want to hedge your bets and say "just give him a chance" as if anyone is arguing against him getting any games at all. What I'm saying is when everyone is healthy he should not be on the roster. He should have to earn it. He can do that by actually being good when he does get a chance. He can get a chance either from injuries, exceptional play in GR, or maybe exceptionally bad play by those ahead of him. He doesn't earn a chance, in my opinion, by scoring at rates similar to players who are bad at offense. Doing that just proves that he's bad himself.
  6. Buppy

    2021 Season

    You're kind of proving my point. You can only compare him to the two worst defensemen on the team, and another prospect who also shouldn't be on the team. You could argue that he'd be better off in GR than as the #6 in Detroit even if he was clearly better than those guys, the fact that it's even debatable just makes it so much worse. Staal scored just as well as Cholowski but without any PP time, and even as old and suck as he is he's still better defensively too. Biega was awful last year, but put up good number the year before, and again is also better defensively. With some of the still-available UFAs like Vatanen, Bowey, or Ben Hutton, all of whom could almost certainly be had for one year cheap, and you're basically just handing him a spot.
  7. Buppy

    2021 Season

    .I might agree if we were looking at any kind of difficult decisions in our protection list. But right now the most difficult question is who do we sign to be the 2nd experienced forward exposed that we wouldn't mind keeping too much if Seattle doesn't take him. And he didn't so much show he deserved a spot as he benefitted from weak and often injured competition. Technically, Libor Sulak also earned a spot out of camp a couple years ago. Now two years later Cholowski still needs weak competition to have a shot. That's not really earning anything.
  8. Buppy

    Seattle Expansion Draft: Who you pick?

    We're more at the stage where we're hoping some kids will step up to even get to 7F or 3D worth protecting. But assuming no roster changes, we likely lose one of Stecher or Dekeyser.
  9. Buppy

    2021 Season

    According to CapFriendly, the thresholds will be pro-rated down to 27 games this year, or 54 combined this year and last. Nielsen already meets the requirements. We do need to sign another forward beyond this season though. Besides Nielsen we have only Larkin, Mantha, Fabbri, and Namestnikov. I thought last time that RFAs counted as "under contract", which would make Erne at least count for the 2nd forward required, but CapFriendly thinks otherwise. Easy enough to sign him for an extra year though. Fulcher fulfills the goalie requirement, since there's no required games played. Right now, Stecher is the only D that meets the requirement. Dekeyser will assuming he plays 27 games. If not, we'll have to sign someone if for some reason we want to protect Stecher.
  10. Buppy

    2021 Season

    Potential is important at times, like when considering the future and who to protect in an expansion draft. Not really when it comes to roster decisions this season regarding a player who was bad last season, didn't show any real improvement after being demoted, and hasn't had a full camp and pre-season to truly demonstrate that he deserves a spot. Dekeyser got PP time early in his career too. It stopped because he wasn't very good. Even so he would probably be a better option than Cholowski right now. My preference though would be to go after Vatanen. And/or Bowey. Then if Cholowski can beat out Merrill, Staal, Biega, and Lindstrom he can have the 6th spot. If not he can hang around as the #7 or taxi squad until the AHL starts then head there to hopefully show some improvement, We can worry about manufacturing a roster spot for him next year. There is no reason that this year needs to be the year we decide his future. He's still waiver eligible specifically because players of his age and experience often still need more time to develop before teams are forced to make those decisions. Rasmussen has potential too, but I wouldn't force him into the lineup right now either. I want to see him take a step forward in the AHL at least. Plus they'll both get time from injuries. Right now I'd protect Cholowski ahead of Dekeyser too, because that is a decision about the future of the team. This year's lineup is not.
  11. Buppy

    2021 Season

    Your entire argument in favor of Cholowski is that he's good offensively and would score more than other options, so that would make up for his defensive weakness. So his ability to score in the NHL absolutely does matter. It could not be any more relevant. It's the only thing that is relevant at all. Before turning pro he had one good season in juniors and one bad season in college. Couple decent but hardly exceptional seasons in the BCHL. In his two pro seasons his scoring puts him between Ericsson and Dekeyser. He's barely been "better" than our worst offensive players, and that may be only because he's been given PP opportunities. He doesn't need to be forced into the lineup, or have his competition purposely limited to the worst players, to be given opportunities. There's no reason we need to make any decision regarding his future this year. I see no compelling reason to protect either Lindstrom or Stecher at this point, and I can't imagine both will do enough this year to change that. I would protect Cholowski pretty much regardless of how or where he plays this year.
  12. Buppy

    2021 Season

    Lindstrom, one of his direct competitors, has been playing. The others are done developing so it's less of an issue for them. He's fortunate he doesn't have to compete against any of our other prospects for the time being, Maybe the time off won't hurt him, maybe it will. Yes, Green had a terrible year that led to his retirement, and he put up similar numbers to Cholowski. Daley was also in that ballpark given the difference in ice time. Even in points per game there wasn't that big a difference. Staal produced as much last year with no PP time. Nemeth and Biega were both more productive at even strength, Merrill as well. Might have done better on the PP had they been given the chance. All of them suck offensively. "Whether or not that offense translates to the NHL" is not at all irrelevant. It is the entire argument. Everything about your argument is predicated on the idea that Cholowski is good offensively. He hasn't been up to this point. He's barely even been better than players who suck. You say "earn it", but at the same time say only 4 or 5 players should be ahead of him, and arguing against adding anyone else who might be better. I agree he should probably be ahead of Biega. Biega shouldn't have been resigned, and I don't think we should have traded for Staal either. I think we should have tried to get someone good. I think we should have kept Bowey (and still should). I think we should try to get Vatanen. With no pre-season there's limited opportunity to win a spot, but at the same time he has less competition, and could benefit from the taxi squad rule and the later AHL start, plus the almost intentionally weak roster. And with injuries there will be plenty of opportunities. Let's see Cholowski do something without PP time. Let's see him actually produce well in the AHL. Let's see more than one hot stretch of 11 games followed by two half seasons of sub-20 point play. Let's see more than the one season as a 19/20yo in juniors that you could actually call "good" offensively. You know, actually earning things.
  13. Buppy

    2021 Season

    Not at all why Ras was drafted. He was ranked 5th by NHLCS. Right behind Vilardi. He got a bad reputation because one guy picked out one advanced metric from one year and made a big deal about it. Maybe Vilardi would have been a better pick, but he was the only player available consistently ranked ahead of Ras, and he had many of the same question marks about his potential. Considering Ras's strengths also addressed notable team weaknesses, no one should be complaining about that pick. Furthermore, Ras has put up numbers similar to what Mantha did at the same age, with the exception of at 19, Ras had an underwhelming season in the NHL while Mantha had a dominate year in juniors. Mantha 17yo - QMJHL - 63gp - 22g - 51p .81ppg 18 - QMJHL - 67 - 50 - 89 - 1.33 19 - QMJHL - 57 - 57 - 120 - 2.11 20 - AHL - 62 - 15 - 33 - .53 Ras: 17 - WHL - 50 - 32 - 55 - 1.1 18 - WHL - 47 - 31 - 59 - 1.26 19 - NHL - 62 - 8 - 18 - .29 20 - AHL - 35 - 7 - 22 - .63 Ras is 5 months older, in relative terms, and so was able to start in the CHL a year earlier, which would explain the disparity in the first year. Shouldn't have much impact in the later years though. Of course, none of that means Ras will develop in the same way Mantha has since then though. It will be disappointing if he doesn't, doubly so if Vilardi turns out significantly better, But this does illustrate how profoundly expectations can be effected by players being in different situations.
  14. Buppy

    2021 Season

    Gone for so long and the conversations have hardly changed at all. Cholowski's demotion last year, much like the year before, was likely to allow him to develop against a more appropriate level of competition. He wasn't effective in the NHL; playing in the AHL was better for him. Considering he really didn't improve at all from his first year to his second, and now hasn't played in 10 months, I wouldn't expect much this year. Maybe he'll surprise, but I won't hold my breath. He has not been good offensively. 24 points in 88 games. Not even that good in the AHL. 25 points in 55 games. Dekeyser level offense .69 P/60 last year with 2:40/g PP time. For comparison, Daley (who you call one of the worst in the league) with less than a minute PP time per game scored .63 P/60. Staal and Stecher both produced better without any PP time worth mentioning. At even strength, Nemeth, Biega and Merrill all produced more. You made the same arguments about Smith and Sproul. Like once you label a player an offensive defenseman you'll say he's "good offensively" no matter how he performs. If he was actually good, he wouldn't have any problem beating out the likes of Daley or Biega or Merrill. That's why Hronek has stuck despite his own somewhat weak defense. You like to say "be given every opportunity", but what you really mean is that he should be given a spot no matter what. You know there's nothing Staal, Merrill, Biega, or Lindstrom (or likely even Nemeth, Stecher, or Dekeyser) could do that would make you believe they deserve a spot over Cholowski. And you're against adding anyone you think could beat him out, like Vatanen. We can gift him a spot next year, no need to do so now when he's still waiver exempt. Granted, Vatanen isn't good enough to make a big deal about, but I do think we should make every reasonable effort to improve as much as we can. I personally think a major factor in last year being such an embarrassment was Yzerman writing-off the season before it started, and he's done essentially the same thing this year. Getting too used to losing, or even worse wanting to lose for a higher pick like most fans seem to want, is terrible for a franchise.
  15. Buppy

    Rumors Thread

    If Holland drafted Hughes last year: Wings would have a better player Subsequently would have drafted a better player this year Yzerman would already have a full year evaluating the team Subsequently would have made better FA/trade moves Holland would be dead Subsequently Edmonton would be worse and get the #1OA again You'd be in prison Subsequently we'd have a brighter, safer world in which to raise our children Everybody wins!