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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2012 in all areas

  1. 5 points

    Pens vs Flyers

    It was barely a crosscheck. more of a shove. I don't fault Crosby for falling down as he probably wasn't expecting it. Though it's telling that his first reaction is to look at the ref with a shocked look on his face instead of turning to look at the guy who shoved him.
  2. 4 points

    Tomas Holmstrom's fate

    Yes, of course bring him back ... and put him into the front office for a cushy job like Ozzie and Draper.
  3. 3 points

    Playoff seeding & Divison winners

    Remove the automatic seeding of division winners. Period. Stupid rule. You can have your division winner banner all you want, but being the best team in the worst division shouldn't automatically give you home ice over a better team, no matter what the logic is.
  4. 2 points

    Operation Eaves

    I know there's been a lot of chatter here about how Eaves is doing. Since he won't be back the rest of the season some blogs/sites are having readers comment wishing him well and sending them to him. Winging It In Motown
  5. 2 points

    Pens vs Flyers

    Probably payback for his stick-breaking slashes that kept occurring - unpenalized, to boot - throughout the entire game. Seriously looked like he was going to cry when he was getting up, was hilarious.
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points

    4/1 GDT : Panthers 1 at Red Wings 2 (SO)

    Happy to get the 2nd point, but gotta ask why Nyquist isn't out there for 4 on 4 over Cleary.
  8. 2 points
    I wish everyone on that team had the guts/drive that Datsyuk does.
  9. 2 points
    i completely understand why i was less than thrilled to get quincy back. he's done nothing but go to the box since he's been here. now we get a 5 min PK. Good job. Dude sucks.
  10. 2 points


    Ye ole Logo Hunter
  11. 2 points

    Pens vs Flyers

    Great Sunday treat seeing a team of rookies run up the score on the Pens in their own barn. And the booing of Jagr? Seriously? I guess for a fanbase established in 2005 it's understandable.
  12. 2 points

    Tomas Holmstrom's fate

    I think polls like that are terrible. It's one thing to sit here and discuss it amongst ourselves, but to have a public poll asking if someone else should be forced out is insensitive. I realize he's a hockey player and he takes as much abuse as anyone in the rink, and then some, but the subject of outliving your usefulness is a touchy one. It is a call that should be decided between him, his team, his family, and the management, and then brought to the fans. Let him go out publicly with the honour and dignity he has earned, not with faceless people slamming the door behind him from their keyboards. I realize a lot of people who took part in that poll are too young to have faced the point in their life when they have to face up to the fact that they are no longer capable of carrying their weight, but trust me on this one, it is a huge blow to one's pride.
  13. 2 points
    Cup or GTFO! esteef
  14. 2 points
    Not tripping over their dicks, which they've done too much recently. 60 minutes of solid play, consistent effort, and high energy. If we manage to do that, I'm happy. How far doing that gets us this year is entirely dependent on how much they want to prove to the fans they're not a bunch of lazy, spoiled, entitled dopes. On one hand, I want us to win the Cup every year, however it's entirely unrealistic for that to happen, so I try to remember that as long as they play with heart, I'll be satisfied with our lot. If we lose in 7 games, at least we went down swinging. I can take comfort in the fact they didn't give up, while simultaneously being upset they didn't win.
  15. 1 point


    Looking at today's game against the Panthers, I just thought that I would bring up our old friend Mikael Samuelsson. While he wasn't popular around these parts and not much to look at, I can't help but appreciate what he brought to the Wings. He was a solid third line player who had a nack for scoring big goals and showing up in big games. I never disliked him and never understood everyone's hatred for him. I would totally take him over Cleary, Homer and hell, the whole fourth line at this point. http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php?pid=37626
  16. 1 point
    A ******* shoot-out? This is the damn Florida Panthers.
  17. 1 point
    Seriously....who is this Franzen everyone keeps talking about?
  18. 1 point

    Pens vs Flyers

    And thats why he's a such a little *****. If he was a Lady Byng candidate type player, he has every right to look like he's about to burst into tears. But he's not. He's a little ***** who does exactly the same kind of crap himself then calls it "a hockey play"
  19. 1 point
    I hate franzen with a passion. Babcock needs to seriously answer for his dumb decision making if he continues to play Franzen on that top line with Pavs. Bertuzzi is having a GREAT game and is showing that he MUCH MORE DESERVES to playing with Pavs than Franzen!
  20. 1 point

    4/1 GDT : Panthers 1 at Red Wings 2 (SO)

    He signed for Anaheim as a free agent about 9 years ago
  21. 1 point

    People v. NHL:

    With GCL, you will be missing the playoffs.
  22. 1 point

    Pens vs Flyers

    Bulls*** move by Disco Dan to play his 4th line and try running his players.
  23. 1 point
    P. Marlowe

    Tomas Holmstrom's fate

    I agree. There always are people rude enough to vote on this kind of things but I think it was a stupid idea by MLive to put it up in the first place.
  24. 1 point

    this team is soft

    :siren: The problem with Detroit is too many players have accomplished a lot in their career or their contracts just guarantee too much and it has caused them to become lazy. I also think babcocks reaction to the team doesn't help either after every game. The team is good, the problem is it needs a couple different types of players to improve the effort night in and night out. It needs 1 top 6 foward that is a sniper with preferably a right handed shot. A couple different bottom 6 players. I am sorry all you cleary fans but he is a great player when he is healthy but with him aging and all the injury problems I think its time to bring in a new player for his role whether it be a prospect or a trade or whatever. Holmstrom is an amazing player and a legend to remember for the past decade but he is use less unless on the power play. I dont think dats should be playing with holmstrom because it really does slow him down. Since he is so good at setting people up, why not pick up a player that can skate with him and also shoot the puck. Maybe that will solve the power play problems. Hudler is a tough one, other than scoring goals he doesn't do much more than that. I will leave that up for the coaching staff to figure out what they want to do with him. Franzen on the other hand should be traded for a couple players or another player to fill his role but that is just me not ever really liking the guys style of play. The defense, I think, is not as bad as everyone thinks. We have allowed less goals then last year which is an improvement. I don't disagree that some subtractions and additions on the defense could really improve us. To top it off, I agree the team is extremely talented (when they want to be) but team could def use 1 or 2 tough players, which they don't have to put up more than 15 points a season, but at least check, fight, and be able to skate with the puck responsibly.
  25. 1 point

    This or That

    I've heard the only thing better than Roses on your Piano is Tulips on your Organ. But I hear that from guys, so take it with a grain of salt. Personally, I like roses. Culture Club or the Thompson Twins?