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  1. 5 points

    Rumors Thread

    "...HEY ELAINE" "What is it PUDDY???" "...Feels like a Boss Man Show night" "A WHAT???" "Boss Man Show... DBoss, Mankos, Showtime. I'm puttin em on the same line" "Puddy, are you telling me you gave away Walman for nothing, to save money... and then spent it all on two over the hill oft injured superstars from the 2010s who don't play defense...??" "Yeah that's right" "That. IS. IT. I've had it with your STUPID line combos. WE ARE BREAKING UP" "OK. I'll be at Arby's"
  2. 4 points

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Me getting excited about the rebuild every few months:
  3. 3 points
    1 Year at $4 mill with performance bonuses potentially 2.5 Mill (unconfirmed on CapFriendly) if this is what he signed for, Then Im more then happy to have him back
  4. 3 points

    2024 Draft

    People are saying MBN's another safe, underwhelming, high-floor-low-ceiling Euro and that Yzerman needs to cut it out with this crap. I get the frustration, but, to me, MBN's actually pretty close to what these people are clamoring for. Good size (not very tall, but he's got meat on his bones). Plays big boy pants North American hockey. Good at both ends of the ice. Can play in all situations (PK). Lethal shot. So basically: a modern power forward who probably won't take the usual 20 years to break into the NHL, given the selling points I just highlighted.
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    Isn't time for SCAM to trade up?
  7. 3 points
    And 5 picks in and Celebrini maintains her top spot, as another Russian with a very ugly mom joins the board. 1. Celebrini 2. Sennecke 3. Levshunov 4. Lindstrom 5. Demidov
  8. 3 points
    Yzerman: 'I will let Detroit's 2nd best player in franchise history announce the 15th OA pick' adjusts his tie Yzerman: 'Detroit is proud to select'... Those trash tatts on her forearms $5 she walks bowlegged. I have a hunch the Canadiens group will speak French...
  9. 3 points
  10. 2 points
    Scott R Lucidi

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Edvinsson is our 2nd best defenseman. Wtf is everyone smoking?
  11. 2 points

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Mr Fischer to the 4th line? Then maybe a kid(Kasper/Danielson?) on the wing on the 4th line Why not sit both Petry and Holl and roll with Chia - Mo Ed - Gus Maata - AJ
  12. 2 points

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Ok, now it's official. Maybe I was seeing into the future?
  13. 2 points

    2024 Draft

    Wait why woul... OH. MY. GOD.
  14. 2 points

    2024 Offseason Thread

    Red Wings were ninth in goals forward last season, if Stephen can somehow make the defence better, we can afford to lose some goals.
  15. 2 points

    2024 Offseason Thread

    I know everyone wants to see the flashy move on July 1st, but most cup winning teams win via drafting/developing and/or major trades (ie. Vegas/Eichel, Florida/Tkachuk etc.) most contracts handed out today end up being anchors.
  16. 2 points
    It's official
  17. 2 points
  18. 2 points
    pls not the finn pls not the finn
  19. 2 points
    Unless something positive happens here soon I'm about to jump off the Yzerman bandwagon. If we select MBN or some other 200ft blah, blah, blah guy when trade ups are cheaper than giving away your 2nd best defenceman I'm done.
  20. 2 points
    Zeev's momma top 5 me thinks. more mid pack.
  21. 2 points
    NOW WERE HEATING UP. Parekh with the rare asian flavor swoops in to steal the 4 spot 1. Celebrini 2. Iginla 3. Sennecke 4. Parekh 5. Yakemchuk 6. Catton 7. Levshunov 8. Lindstrom 9. Demidov
  22. 2 points
    Celine made a good pick Lindstrom brought two moms. We have to check the CBA if thats allowed
  23. 2 points

    2024 Draft

    I support this trade !
  24. 2 points
    I bet the M in SCAM stands for Moms
  25. 2 points
    Scott R Lucidi

    2024 Offseason Thread

    He stinks.