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  1. 2 points
    Looks like they weren't as far apart as some would have led us to believe. This makes me happy, Jurco has been my favorite of the kids so far. I just hope he gets utilized properly, if so the numbers will come and his confidence will return.
  2. 2 points
    Detroit Red Wings ‏@DetroitRedWings UPDATE: The #RedWings have agreed to terms with F Tomas Jurco on a two-year deal.
  3. 2 points
    You call it "spam". I call it a resourse.
  4. 1 point

    Holtby Asking for $8M

    Well with analytics you can break anything down you want, that's the point of stats. You can say the same about any other team, at the end of the year we "Averaged" a certain number just like everyone else. Over 82 games we were absolutely a top 10 defensive team. I do hold stats to a higher value then someone scouting. When someone is scouting a player, it's a small sample size since they don't scout all 82 games. Analytics allow you to have the numbers in front of you and measure performance in which you cannot by watching. When making the hard decisions I would use analytics over what someone saw with there eye. Sorry if that bothers you, but it's my opinion.
  5. 1 point
    Not a chance Jurco or Pulkkinen are on the PP over Tatar, much less both.
  6. 1 point
    I'd rather have kronner by himself on the first unit like last year and dd and green together on the second because kronner can qb the pp by himself dekeyser isn't great offensively and green isn't great defensively so that would work out better for both
  7. 1 point
    That's not true at all, Detroit was one of the better defensive teams in the NHL last year. Detroit only allowed 27.4 shots per game (top 5) faceoffs 54.6% (top 5) and most importantly, goals allowed 2.26 (top 15). Advanced stats back up their ranking as a top 10 defensive club, with Corsi For % and Fenwick For % 6th and 8th, respectively.
  8. 1 point
    yay! Now we wait for dominoes to fall! Seriously I hope he gets a chance to setup in front on the net on the PP. Imagine him screening and Pulk's 300 MPH slapper from the blueline! Yes!
  9. 1 point

    Random Discussion Thread

    Grammer is grate. My nieces left their minion toys from McDonalds happy meals at my house, and they giggle when I friggin cough.... Which is terrifying at 3 a.m.
  10. 1 point
    Even if he doesn't light up the scoresheet, a big, physical, fast kid whos defensively responsible and can still bring a good amount of skill to the bottom six isn't a bad thing.
  11. 1 point

    Free agents this off season

  12. 1 point

    Holtby Asking for $8M

    Its 6.1 million per year.
  13. 1 point
    It doesn't help everyone in the Wings media is a lap dog for the organization. When they claim someone is "far apart" on a deal, obviously that reflects more poorly on the player than Holland.
  14. 1 point
    Pleiness actually said the same thing yesterday. Some times they get it wrong, Holland loves smoke and mirrors. Just glad everyone is under contract now.
  15. 1 point
    I'm still a huge Jurco supporter. I think he has a ton of upside despite a pretty mediocre looking second season. The Red Wings botched his development last season -- he either needed to play big minutes in Grand Rapids another year or actually be utilized properly in Detroit. Nobody is going to do s*** offensively with Drew Miller and Luke Glendening. Hoping for a nice rebound from Jurco and ideally spending more time with Sheahan as his center going forward.
  16. 1 point
    Through it all he needs to man up and play better period, no excuses!
  17. 1 point

    Holtby Asking for $8M

    Howard's contract doesn't look bad at all now....
  18. 1 point
    Mantha's season was, perhaps, a bit disappointing. His game still needs work. But the Wings knew what they were getting when they drafted him. They knew he was going to be a bit of a project. Anyone who'd watched him play knew he was going to be a bit of a project. He was never going to make the team out of last year's camp. At most, he might've earned a couple games with the big club towards the end of the regular season. He needed to learn defense. He needed to learn how to protect the puck against men. He needed to learn how to emerge from a brutal scrum with possession of the puck. He needed to learn how to operate with much less time and space and civility than he'd enjoyed in the QMJHL. His game was weighted wildly towards the offensive side of things. That had to change in a big way, and that's not a change you make in half a season. And that's saying nothing of the broken leg. For all these reasons and more, you can't say his season was "very, very, very disappointing." You can barely say it was disappointing. He was in for a tough season even before he'd broken his leg. All things considered, 15 goals and 33 points in 62 games, with limited power play time and third-line minutes, is a pretty good year. If the hype surrounding Mantha hadn't been so absurdly huge, no one would have a problem with his season. We'd be saying he needs another year, and that that's no big deal because it's to be expected with a 20-year-old who's never had to play defense or compete against men. But none of that really seems to mean much to you, which I don't get. The way you see it, Mantha sucked this year, and it wasn't because of the injury, it was because he sucked. And if someone tries to "use the injury as an excuse" for his "poor play," that line of reasoning doesn't hold up, because it's "100% speculation." Even though saying the injury had nothing to do with his performance is equally speculative and, in fact, much less reasonable. Because, which sounds more plausible: that breaking his leg right before his first NHL training camp and spending the first part of his first AHL season unable to do much of anything in the way of physical conditioning A) had a significant impact on his season and should be taken into account when reviewing his season and the progress he made (or didn't make), or B) had no impact whatsoever on his season and should not be taken into account when reviewing his season and the progress he made (or didn't make)? He needs to be better away from the puck. He needs to compete harder. He needs to improve in some key areas. No one's more aware of this than the player himself. But I don't see the need for trashing him. I'm not sure most people appreciate how tough it is to go from being a big fish in the QMJHL (which is pretty much a terrible league) to a boy among men in the AHL, especially when you were such a big fish that you were never really asked (or taught!) how to play AHL/NHL-level defense and your shifts would often stretch to 120 seconds long. I don't see the basis for saying he sucked. I don't see how comparing his first few games as a Griffin to Tyler Bertuzzi's first few games as a Griffin really tells us anything. It's sort of like the Franzen-versus-Chris Neil thing. Franzen doesn't play with Chris Neil's "intensity" and "edge" and "physicality." But Neil doesn't have Franzen's skill, talent, skating, hockey IQ, scoring prowess, etc. Bertuzzi's game, at this time, is more complete than Mantha's. So is Landon Ferraro's. But Mantha's strengths can't be taught or instilled, while the things he needs to learn can. Same deal as Nyquist, Tatar, Pulkkinen - except, Mantha's going to become a full-time Wing at 21 or 22 years of age, versus the standard 23 or 24. Because 1) he's that talented, 2) the things he needs to work on are things that virtually all 20-year-old snipers need to work on, and 3) the Wings are the best at taking raw talent and sculpting it into a rounded NHL player. The kid's going to be a very good NHLer. He's not a problem player. He's not lazy. He just has to learn to play a kind of game he's never really had to play, and at the highest level. It's a process. It was always going to be a process. Nothing has really changed since the moment we drafted Mantha. There was always going to be an adjustment period.
  19. 1 point
    Too late. Hudler already took all the bookings. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. 1 point
    rick zombo

    Free agents this off season

    People act like Semin has this magic switch he can throw in a contract year. And that he's just lazy otherwise. Semin needs more money? BAM!! 35 goals. Semin has more money? BAM!! Helathy scratch. I see it more like this: maybe the guy just sucks now, beyond recovery.
  21. 1 point

    Lovable Dan Cleary update thread

    Yeah, that too. Whatever happens, it's very unlikely he'll retire so I don't think we'll have to worry about the penalties is all I was trying to say.
  22. 1 point
    Devallano's comments are ridiculous. All the Mantha hate is ridiculous. The Demise of Anthony Mantha Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
  23. 1 point
    Blashill: I agree 100% with Blash. If your expectations were he was going to perform the way he did in juniors then it's your own fault for setting your own expectations that high. He had a broken leg and was injured before the playoffs. Absolutely nothing wrong with him performing at .5 PPG for his first AHL season against actual men. Patience from the Wing fanbase should be expected....
  24. 1 point
    Some of our posters would be perfect replacements for Devellano and his minuscule brain.
  25. 1 point
    A Larkin like transition? Give me a break. Larkin played a grand total of 6 games in Grand Rapids. Sure, he looked great, but anyone can pull that off in such a small sample size, especially coming off an unbelievable college season, World Juniors, and World Championships. I'm willing to bet that Mantha could have pulled off similar numbers in the 2014 playoffs with the Griffins, if Val d'Or didn't go on such a deep run, winning the President's Cup and going on to play for the Memorial Cup. Confidence is huge in any professional sport, and hockey is no different. Larkin was coming into the Calder Cup playoffs oozing confidence, just as Mantha would have a year prior. Instead, Mantha came into training camp last offseason oozing confidence and looking great, and then fractured his right tibia, and as a result was out for 2 months, missing the Red Wings training camp and the Griffins training camp, and just never got his game on track after that. Some act as such a serious leg injury is no big deal, and he should have immediately regained form. I do think he had a rough season, and he probably should have ended the regular season on a more positive note, or at the very least should have been more of an impact by playoffs. However, I do believe that we will see a completely different player in Grand Rapids this season. I expect he will hover at or around a point per game pace the entire season. Here's to hoping...