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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2016 in all areas

  1. 9 points

    Shea Weber for Pernal Karl Subban

    Habs fans right now.
  2. 6 points
  3. 4 points
    I dont get why you trade a bona fide star, for a guy who COULD be a star. Maybe Edmonton wins long term, but I feel that there are better defenseman out there that you could have gotten if you are going to offer Hall. Bad trade for Edmonton.
  4. 4 points

    Stamkos to... Tampa

    The only good thing is he signed before July 1st. At least we didn't get strung along for 3 days while all the other free agents signed like Suter and Parise did.
  5. 3 points
    For the numbers people could be throwing at Matt Martin, Helm will be def. Getting offers, he was one of our players with value. He won't be a wjng next season ans I have a feeling of Martin can get a 3.5-4, helm easily gets 4 aav
  6. 3 points
    Pierre LeBrun ‏@Real_ESPNLeBrun 11m11 minutes ago Montreal, Toronto, Buffalo and a fourth team got to make pitches in person to Stamkos this week. Detroit not one of them. Pierre LeBrun ‏@Real_ESPNLeBrun 11m11 minutes ago I Detroit would have had its turn but Stamkos began to reel it in and focus on Re signing with Tampa Bay Well that stinks... Screw him then
  7. 3 points
    There is no honor in tanking. It's a terrible idea to purposely tank and I cannot comprehend how some of you suggest it as an option. There are other ways to get back and we'll find our way there.
  8. 3 points
    As bad as the roster looks, and as bad as losing out on Stamkos is, it might be a blessing in disguise. We have to play young players now, we don't have a choice. No free agent that we could woo is going to make us a contender. At this point I wish Kenny would just buyout Ericsson and we go really young on the back end, a bump in the road for one reason during the retool could do a lot of good.
  9. 3 points
    Tanking is stupid. I wish we didn't even discuss that on here. It's embarrassing for the team and it doesn't guarantee anything except YEARS of misery. If we had landed Stamkos, another forward and a defensemen this team could have been a contender. Now we won't be contenders but there are a few moves to be made that can still upgrade various departments and make the team more dynamic. But yeah, let's tank instead and be crap for 5 or 6 years. Grab a couple lottery picks and hope we have enough talent to do something at some point within a decade.
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
    If Darren Helm had hands he would definitely be a 2nd line player. AA absolutely could develop into a 2C - he's only been played half a year - he is going to get better.
  12. 2 points
    I've been saying the Streak is important for a long time. Usually no one listens or responds. Management clearly wants to extend the Streak. Fans need to accept this. They can rail and rant against it, but saying it doesn't matter is silly. It matters and our expectations should adjust accordingly.
  13. 2 points
    He was a top five prospect in many rankings for much of last year. He's exactly what the Red Wings don't have in the pipeline right now. Much more upside with Chychrun than a project like Cholowski. Trading Pavel's contract does nothing for the Red Wings if you don't use the cap space or even worse, spend it poorly now. It was only for one year and the team isn't going anywhere regardless.
  14. 2 points
    I care. I think it's something to be proud of. It's certainly not something that comes easy. It shouldn't be a goal unto itself and I don't think it is. Tanking would be something were I would embarrassed for the team and disappointed in the organization.
  15. 2 points

    Shea Weber for Pernal Karl Subban

    This thread is turning into a "is Weber washed up or not thread". I dont think anyone truly believes Weber is a bad player, its just when you are traded for a player of PK's caliber, you are going to be put under a microscope as everyone wants to asses who "won" the trade. Personally I think Nashville won, but not so much based on what hey can both do in 2016, more so the long term implications of this deal. Now with that being said, if what we are hearing is true, PK not being liked in the locker room and creating a divide AND with his no movement clause kicking in July 1st maybe this is the best they could get in return with the short window remaining. Alot of teams are likely unwilling to make a deal with free agency not even starting yet. For me, the killer is Weber contract as the guy has an 8million cap hit until I think 2026. Because of this alone, Nashville wins. Weber is going to be a cap killer for Montreal in 5 years. Subban will likely be a good player for the majority of his contract.
  16. 2 points

    Stamkos to... Tampa

    Say goodbye to the bandwagoners then.
  17. 1 point

    Stamkos to... Tampa

    Stamkos was kind of a pipe dream anyway, and to know that he re-signed makes it a hell of a lot easier to swallow than choosing some other team on the market than the Wings. Really though, this team needs a trade. And not someone minor, like Jurco. Someone with bigger responsibility to show that they aren't happy with this team, and that everyone isn't as safe and secure as they thought and that they have to actually take responsibility for playing better. I am very scared that KH will overpay Okposo, Lucic or Nielson and for at least 5 years and we'll have another Steven Weiss on our hands and the Datsyuk money he freed up will be worthless. Much much rather see them promote AA, Mantha, Ouellet and Sproul full time and give Mrazek 60 starts and just go with it. If we miss the playoffs we miss. I'd much rather see the organisation actually take a stance in believing in our young guys going forward and actually giving them the minutes and responsibility to reach their potential, rather than every year tagging on some old aged players way past their golden years who eat up minutes just to make us another easy target for a first round exit, frustrating everyone more in the process. Give us a direction Ken, right now we're stuck in no mans land.
  18. 1 point
    Pretty even trade IMO. There's only a handful of defensemen I'd rather have than Subban, and Weber is one of them.
  19. 1 point
    It's too bad the kids play in detroit only when we're forced to play them
  20. 1 point

    Stamkos to... Tampa

    ...But Staal is a worse player than Z and Larkin so why waste money a worse player when you have better ones? FA signings should be to make the team better not worse.
  21. 1 point

    Stamkos to... Tampa

    He scored the most points on the team despite only playing 68games, he was great when he was healthy.
  22. 1 point

    Stamkos to... Tampa

    I'm actually gonna question your experience watching free agency, as just last year there was no big, reckless spending. Guys like Lucic, Backes, Ladd will get paid. But you're crazy if you think anyone is gonna break the bank for Eric Staal. The guy is a huge question mark right now and has said himself he looks forward to a fresh start and fully expects to have to prove himself first.
  23. 1 point

    Stamkos to... Tampa

    It's absolutely critical that Kenny and the rest of our management team not panic and over pay (IN MONEY OR TERM) for the good but not great players left out there... If good players can't be had for reasonable term and dollars leave the space unspent and see what the kids can do. Spending money for the sake of it would make this an epic fail!
  24. 1 point

    Stamkos to... Tampa

    Have you not seen him in the playoffs this year? The league is moving on from his style of play.
  25. 1 point
    Why does it matter? Pasha gets to play where his heart is, in his hometowm country in front of all his friends, family while enjoying the last 2 years of his glorious career. I'm for one just happy for him and will for sure try to find some Russian league (super league KHL?) games with him.